
Essay on Why Were Cornell Notes Invented?

Decent Essays

Why Were Cornell Notes Invented?

The Cornell note taking system, developed by former Cornell University professor Walter Pauk in 1949, features three areas. It features a three-part system used for condensing and organizing notes, whether in the classroom or out in the field. One area is for note taking, the second is for review notes, and the last one is for summarizing. Cornell notes was invented to benefit students in the classroom and help them formulate a way in which they can understand the lessons being lectured while at the same time being well organised. These days students are going through a variety of stress related problems that tie back to school work in the classroom. These problems range from how to understand what’s …show more content…

Factually speaking, students who write what they hear and see are at a greater chance of not only remembering it but also understanding it. When they write the information being said down they are capable of remembering it as it was said but when we hear it alone, our brain can manipulate the words and so we do not exactly have an accuracy at remembering it or understanding it. This quote was probably Mr. Walter Pauk’s motivation when inventing Cornell notes because he wanted the students to have a greater chance at understanding what was being said and taught. Cornell notes were also created as a means of stimulating the critical thinking skills of students. Cornell notes also help students when they are working on assignments and they need help remembering and/or understanding what was stated in the classroom. Preparation was the main reason why Cornell notes were established; when students have an upcoming test and they need help studying they can easily pull out a Cornell note that was taken for that particular class that they are about to have a test on, Cornell notes work as an excellent study guide when none is provided by the teacher or lecturer. That is why Mr. Walter Pauk sought to invent and develop the idea of Cornell notes, because he saw that students were frustrated with their test scores as a result of not being provided with study guides. Organization was also

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