Yazmin A.- Why Should Harmony have Fashion Club? What do you wear? Clothes obviously, but look more into it. Look at it again.. the colors, the stitching between where the arms and torso meet. Look at the side where its folded, yet it’s still together, how does this happen? Let’s start from the beginning, the cavemen used clothes from their surroundings from leaves in trees to animal skin. Just as civilization grew, so did Americans. Americans industrialized to cotton, as Chinese did with silk and all of Europe with sheep's wool. With industrialization, the Fashion industry flourished throughout nations and world wide. Now, we use fashion as a form of entertainment, a way of expression, as well as a form of art. Why do some people still consider it as a lesser value of art? If Harmony is a diverse school, and has been instrumental in helping to inspire students, placing them in the nation's most prestigious colleges... why don't they expand their selections of colleges that could help students pursue their own career path and succeed in their own way? I believe Harmony schools should have a Fashion Club to start small …show more content…
Like most clubs, the things we make in The Fashion Club are put into competitions, and what are the things we put into these competitions? Most the activities we do in Fashion club range from fashion design where you learn how to sketch designs, and upload designs online to win a Fashion Sketch Club, to graphic design and digital media to create a logo for the club and post it into social media to show your Fashion Club spirit! As well as learning how to market your merchandise from making your own product, selling it around the community, together with learning trending topics, and sharing ideas with the
If we wear uniforms we will all look alike every single day. Dress code can also be bad because it forces you to buy the expensive clothes that you have to get the logo sewed onto each one of the shirts. Some of them cost a lot of money so some people might not be able to afford the clothes. While some rich people can't even tell how much money they would spend on their uniforms. Some of the poorest people won’t be able to pay for the uniforms, which isn't good for them. The only
One solution for the problem is to have an entry fee for every student that wants to be a part of the club. These fees will only be a couple of dollars at the beginning of each quarter. The money that you pay will be used for many things. One thing that they can be used for is to buy supplies. Those supplies can be anything
New trends are set everyday by celebrities with glorious amounts of money. With today’s society people prioritize wealth and looks over anything intellectual. Others would do anything to make their children happy even if it is comprised of spending three hundred dollars on one pair of shoes. The classification groups at Walton High School are very simple. Those who dress nice come from a wealthy family while the others come from a poor, struggling family. Classifying the students like this was made from the people with money. This assumption is inaccurate, unfair, and is also a result of people competing for the most wealth within a school.
Fashion reflects the attitudes of a society more than any other art form. Like art, fashion is a material record of the ideals that swayed the nations at the time of their creation. Through examining the styles, and tastes of a particular era, we can realize where the interests and priorities of a time lie. As Frank Parsons wrote in his 1920 study, The Psychology of Dress, "There is surly no better field in which to trace the devious paths of human thought than in that of clothes, where man has ever given free play to self expression, in a way which, thought not always a credit to his intelligence, is yet quite true to his innermost self, whether he will acknowledge it or
The prominent reason behind the various overdone school rules regarding dress is the loose power that administrators have been given. They have been “reserve[d] the right to determine if a clothing item or accessory is appropriate for school” (Carroll High School Student Handbook 2010-2011 18). The officials at school are using their own personal opinions to judge the students’ dress. Since styles change as time goes on, the generation in control and the
Within the walls of Nobles there are many social norms that seem to be implied, and are things that students are expected to follow. Following these norms has become a way of life for students here, and if you decide you aren’t going to follow, you get left behind. Nobles breeds competition, and just like in the natural world, survival of the fittest determines who leads and who falls. For example, the way students dress determines parts of their social status. There are concrete expectations that students are held to when it comes to what they chose to wear, but there are also social expectations. Many students who attend Nobles are of a high economic status, allowing them to purchase very nice clothes and other accessories such as iphones and computers. I have always felt that clothing is a way to express one’s personal style, but walking up and down the hallway proves that Nobles students may not be expressing how they are different from each other, but rather doing their best to fit in. I think this is a subconscious pressure that not many realize they are susceptible to. In high school adolescents are in a time of their lives that is insecure. There is so much stress and anxiety about school, and family, and friends, so it is understandable that kids do not want the stress of someone making fun of them for being different. This is where all the unease ties back in. By joining the masses in wearing name brands, buying apple products, and more, kids further adjust
All anyone ever hears about these days is the way people dress and what’s appropriate and what’s not. It’s all a matter of opinion. At least that’s what they all say, until someone gets busted for dress code at school. Then all of the sudden it doesn’t matter what anyone 's opinion is. It 's the opinion of the person doing the dress code busting. So many schools across the country have established a dress code policy these days, some being mediocre and others taking it to the extreme. One outfit could be revealing to teacher A, and that same outfit could be considered perfectly fine to teacher B. After all it is a matter of opinion but the person who catches the dress code “violation” is the one in the end who gets to decide, so no one else’s opinions end up mattering. Dress code shouldn’t be becoming so important though and teachers and staff members shouldn’t need to make clothing more important than the education of students. It should not be this way and some things need to be changed.
This shows that by cutting off their clothing, you are preventing them from expressing themselves and showing creativity. By cutting off this method of creativity, you make them less and less creative. There is even more evidence for this in the Article Uniforms Limit Number of Outlets for Creativity and Self-Expression. Linn Hoofnagle portrays that, “they restrict self-expression. We live in a dynamic society, full of unique characters that make our world a spontaneous one. Cutting that off at a young age only stifles creativity and encourages conformity”. This shows that by removing self-expression and creativity, you teach students that everybody looks the same. This is not true. By teaching students this, it will make them less creative as seeing people who don’t look the same will make them more creative. This will also make it so that instead of introducing yourself to others you stay to yourself more often. Dress codes are bad as it makes kids less creative.
Charlie Gordon was just an ordinary man with an unordinary IQ of 64, but that all changed one day when he had an operation to make him intelligent, and the result was shocking. Charlie figured out about an experiment and wanted to have it done on him, but he didn’t know that this operation would ruin his life and that he should have never had it done in the first place. This book is about a man named Charlie who has an IQ of 64 and has to go to a school for slow adults. Charlie works at a factory where all of his coworkers make fun of him without his knowledge, but when the two main doctors, dr. Strauss and dr.Nemur, select him to be used in an operation that will hopefully boost his intelligence to superhuman levels. This all works out and Charlie becomes smart, but with his intelligence he figures out that his friends aren’t really his friends, that he’s in love with his school teacher miss Kinnian, and he started to discover why the operation that he had was only temporary.
Actus Reus, Mens Rea, Causation and Punishment are all considered elements of a crime. Actus reus or also known as the “Guilty act“, is the external physical part of a crime. In other words actus rea “refers to intentional criminal conduct or criminal negligence“ (Powerpoint). It is not only about what a person does but also about what they do not do. It is committing a voluntary act which ultimately causes harm to others.
Equally is important in a school in Indiana says “they will provide a variety of extracurricular activities designed to develop students’ talents, creativity and self-esteem”(Fountain Central Handbook 98). However dressing a certain way may help students with their creative minds, and boost their self-esteem. If principals tell students to dress only in uniforms, they are taking their creativity and not helping teens with their self-esteem. People are more comfortable working in their clothing. Creativity eliminates stress in the morning when students are trying to find the “perfect outfit”.
Other people think differently, they believe kids need to dress the same way, this saves bulling of the system. These people think that dress shorts, shoulder tops, hoodies, baggy clothing, etc. have children look and feel different from other students. Dressing the same way makes everyone feel the same
School uniforms promote conformity over individuality. A high school student in Chicago explained “They decide to teach us about people like Rosa Parks, Susan B. Anthony and Booker T. Washington... We learn about how these people expressed themselves and conquered and we can't even express ourselves in the hallways." Schools tell kids from their first day of class that they are different and special, but how can they believe such words if they are sitting in a classroom, wearing the same thing as everyone else in the room. It would be very hard to believe those words due to those circumstances. In schools that have specific uniforms based on sex, it’s difficult for students who identify as a gender
Mainstream media has gotten to the point where it is becoming less credible with each passing day. Many mainstream news sources, usually favor one political view over another and tend to force their personal views on the viewer. Bias in the media is when people believe a certain thing about a group or person that is not necessarily true, this can cause conflict because others might believe something that is not true. All six mainstream media have different beliefs on how to induce their topics to the public, sometimes with no proof to back it up. There are several current events happening, however some may have news that can be interpreted as bias. Some Individuals believe news channels by simply reading or hearing about a topic. Citizens
Going to public schools all my life, I heard the gossip of "fashion" and "whose wearing what,"pretty much everyday; at least in the four years of high school where it seemed that looks mattered the most. As people grow up, the way they present themselves becomes more and more important. Leaving a good mark in high school means a lot to some people, and some are ready to do whatever it takes to make that mark, whether it be putting someone down for their clothing or being an individual and not caring what others think of you or what your wearing. Having friends from middle school that branched out and went the alternative route; private schools, one of the first things that came back