
Why Yazmin A.-Why Should Harmony Have Fashion Club?

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Yazmin A.- Why Should Harmony have Fashion Club? What do you wear? Clothes obviously, but look more into it. Look at it again.. the colors, the stitching between where the arms and torso meet. Look at the side where its folded, yet it’s still together, how does this happen? Let’s start from the beginning, the cavemen used clothes from their surroundings from leaves in trees to animal skin. Just as civilization grew, so did Americans. Americans industrialized to cotton, as Chinese did with silk and all of Europe with sheep's wool. With industrialization, the Fashion industry flourished throughout nations and world wide. Now, we use fashion as a form of entertainment, a way of expression, as well as a form of art. Why do some people still consider it as a lesser value of art? If Harmony is a diverse school, and has been instrumental in helping to inspire students, placing them in the nation's most prestigious colleges... why don't they expand their selections of colleges that could help students pursue their own career path and succeed in their own way? I believe Harmony schools should have a Fashion Club to start small …show more content…

Like most clubs, the things we make in The Fashion Club are put into competitions, and what are the things we put into these competitions? Most the activities we do in Fashion club range from fashion design where you learn how to sketch designs, and upload designs online to win a Fashion Sketch Club, to graphic design and digital media to create a logo for the club and post it into social media to show your Fashion Club spirit! As well as learning how to market your merchandise from making your own product, selling it around the community, together with learning trending topics, and sharing ideas with the

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