You are considering starting your own business when you leave school and are keen to start researching ways to achieve business success. You have decided to start your research by investigating a well-known entrepreneur. You are required to share your findings with your class in the form of a keynote address. General Introduction Who is the Entrepreneur? Name of the Entrepreneur’s business. What does their business do? On February 4th, 2004, Mark Elliot Zuckerberg (born May 14, 1984) launched Facebook. Facebook is a social media website that connects people from all around the world. Facebook initially limited the website 's membership to Harvard students, but later expanded it to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities and later to high-school students. Since 2006, anyone who is at least 13 years old is allowed to become a registered user of the website. Personal Why did they start their own business? How did they start their own business? What do they attribute their success to? Provide a background of your chosen entrepreneur. Zuckerberg grew up in the New York City suburb of Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., and attended the Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire. He taught himself how to program computers, and during his senior year in high school, he caught the interest of AOL and Microsoft by creating a Winamp plug-in that could build customized playlists. But
Any business, large or small, takes someone with a dream and a passion, exactly what Joseph Shaughnessy had. Starting out after his graduation from college, and ten yesars of employment, him and his friend Lorry Bannes were already making great strides, holding executive positions, but they wanted more. They took their desire and created their own business, setting up their future and achieving their goals. Did they make the right decisions along the way? Did they have the right balance? And how did Joe use the business to promote his beliefs?
2) Why do many entrepreneurs initially set up their businesses as sole proprietorships? Why do many successful entrepreneurs eventually decide to convert their sole proprietorship to some other form of ownership such as a corporation or LLC?
The 2000s also featured a positive impact. This positive impact was known as Facebook. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook previously was known for student pictures. Since then, Facebook grew more popular and became available to anyone who’s over the age of 13. “ Facebook’s founders soon made the website available to other colleges in the Boston area. Interest continued to grow, and the website eventually became open to any university or high school student. In September 2006, Facebook opened to anyone over the age of 13 with an e-mail address” (“Facebook
To conclude, many people pay every sacrifices to become successful in their business like Charlotte and Shimels. Both Charlotte and Shimels started from the bottom to become successful in their business even is their life style was different. They can be a role model for people who want to be entrepreneur. People should learn lessons from Charlotte’s and Shimels’s
Facebook is the biggest social media network on the internet with a massive following which continues to expand. Mark Zuckerberg alongside his college roommates created and launched the world’s most popular social media site on 4 February, 2004. Zuckerberg previously developed other sites for fellow students to
The entrepreneur I choose to interview is a well-known and respectable woman in the tourism-hospitality industry in Vietnam. Her name is Ngoc T.B. Nguyen. There are now many different definitions for the word entrepreneur and entrepreneurship, the definition of entrepreneur as the ‘risk taker’ might be the one that suits her best. Born in 1963, this woman has spent more than 10 years in the Tourist industry and has since then been an inspirational model for many young adults in her hometown. Nguyen started to work for a local hotel as a receptionist at the age of 20. At this time, because of many reasons, she finished high school but could not pursue her dream of studying higher. Not giving up, Nguyen kept working hard
People wonder all the time how companies started out and how they got so successful? An example of a person who has helped successful people get off their feet. James Dill, the founder of CT, allegedly is the person that laid down the foundation for the incorporation law (“CT Sponsors 2015 Small Business Week.”). They are associated with the SBA, also known as the Small Business Association. CT Corporation offered a convention like event about recognizing small business and their contributions to America. These conventions date back to 1963 (“CT Sponsors 2015 Small Business Week.”). Certain traits help small businesses become successful, such as, persistence, confidence, fearlessness, and passion.
Originally from the Caribbean, Eric Linzey always knew that he wanted to be a business owner but wasn’t completely sure of what to do. Between the ages of 18-20, Mr. Linzey began exploring the world of business. His “exploration” may have been longer than anticipated which equaled up to 22 years of employment and travel.
“There is no one definitive profile of an entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneurs come in various ages, income levels, gender, and race. They differ in education and experience. But research indicates that most successful entrepreneurs share certain personal attributes, including: creativity, dedication,
Select an entrepreneur who has had measurable success with at least one venture. The situation involved could be a new business venture, a new product or a new process but it should represent a significantly new direction for the entrepreneur.
Today, more people than ever are interested in entrepreneurship, from the everyday people to business oriented. To business leaders, the change from entrepreneurs to business heroes is honorable. In a survey by USA Today, they found 47% of women chose entrepreneur over a tour guide or novelist and 38% of men who chose entrepreneur
“Who is an entrepreneur?” is a question that aroused many controversies and debates. Among many articles that talks about the entrepreneur and the process of entrepreneurship I will focus on three articles that tried to answer this question or demonstrated the uselessness of the question.
Explain and critically analyze unique traits of an Entrepreneur, discuss these related to personal strengths and weaknesses
In the business world of entrepreneurs in South Africa there are some that are well established and known and some who are still emerging. In my research essay I will be discussing a well-known entrepreneur, an emerging entrepreneur and an entrepreneur from an Asian tiger country. This discussion will include the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur, the risks they face or have faced and the market and macro environment factors that impact on the running of their selected enterprises for each of them; the well-known entrepreneur I have chosen is Anton Rupert, the emerging entrepreneur is Siyabulela Xusa and the Asian tiger entrepreneur is Ricky Wong.
There are two reasons for setting a business. One is to profit. The other reason is to become successful. Good leadership is important in achieving these goals. Melchar and Bosco (2010) defined leadership as an integral component of organizational success. A successful organization will always keep abreast of modern development. According to Hossain (2015), such an organization has to be in a position to serve customers effectively. Yet in order to address, leaders have to address the plight of their employees. This paper analyzes life, accomplishments and traits of Richard Branson.