Some people think they shouldn’t be prosecuted for online piracy. In my opinion they should get prosecuted.
First reason why they should be prosecuted is because it’s illegal. One way is you get fined. They can fine you if you get caught doing it. Another way is you could even go to jail. People that do illegal things usually go to jail and even sometimes prison. It shouldn’t be so easy to download. That’s why it’s illegal to piracy.
Second reason you didn’t make it, or take the time to do it. It takes credit away from the person. All the money and time they put into it just to be taken right away. It’s not right taking things. Why you ask? Because it’s wrong and also very illegal. But they might have not did it their self. Third reason
For many years illegal file sharing and music swapping has been going on. Two very popular cases are the MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster case and the A&M Records, Inc. v. Napster case. Both cases differ in many ways however they also have similarities. A lot of music and other sorts of entertainment are being distributed for free all over the internet. What some people do not think of are the consequences that will be faced if they get caught. Not only is the distributor at risk for getting caught but those of us that download the software illegally can be charged.
Businesses who pirate movies and songs need to be prosecuted, because they make people view piracy as morally fine and promote it. In the article "When Stealing Isn't Stealing," by Stuart P. Green,
With technology so readily available there are many people and companies who have participated in similar illegal activities. The original copyright law did not take into consideration the digital area. By implementing Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) it has tightened up the protection of things online and in the digital arena.
One reason why I think people should be prosecuted to an extent is because it is a harmless crime. People in the world have gotten a lesser charge for things that are worst than piracy. Some of the crimes actually can involve hurting others yet they get a lesser crime. On a website
In this paper we are going to examine why personal morality is an oxymoron and how a moral system is analogous to a game. Then we are going to analyze how the ethical issue of software piracy is seen from the notion of common moral system according to Gert.
By taking it, you take a lot away from them to where even in this instance, to where he’s charging a lot more than he should have, it still is his. It’s like you shouldn’t take things that aren’t yours.
When someone breaks copyright laws they are stealing, and they are no different than someone that steals from a store. These laws are in place to keep people accountable for their actions and to keep their integrity intact.
They have done something wrong, so they should bear their consequence and be punished in jail.
Music and films are bought and meant to be bought to be enjoyed by the general public, not to be stolen and used for a profit when it is not their right to do so. Piracy has been a big factor of illegal actions that occur through. Piracy, unfortunately, has been happening for years now. People pirate movies and music and give it out to the public to use. While it is cheaper to get than the regular prices of the product, it affects the business of music and film. People tend to do this in a way that will benefit the public by selling the product for a cheap price or posting it on a file-sharing site for others to get it for free. Some think it is beneficial, but others think this is just pure piracy by those who use the internet to do this.
We all know that downloading pirated music and films is illegal, but what exactly is it? The term piracy refers to the copying and selling of music, films and other media illegally; in other words you are copying and selling copyrighted media without the permission of the original owner (NiDirect, n.d.). With the massive growth of the internet and its ability to store and capture vast amounts of data, we have become much more reliable on information systems in all aspects of life, but it does not come without the risk of information technology being used unethically. With the number of IT breakthroughs in recent years “the importance of ethics and human values has been underemphasised” often resulting in various consequences. Not surprisingly one of the many public concerns about the ethical use of IT is that “millions of people have downloaded music and movies at no charge and in apparent violation of copyright laws at tremendous expense to the owners of those copyrights” (Reynolds, Ethics in Information Technology, 2015). This essay covers the ethical issues of downloading pirated music and films and the impact it has on music corporations and recording and film companies.
Traditional legal principles and processes are constantly challenged by the need to keep pace with copyright issues in particular piracy. The Copyright Amendment (Online Infringement) Bill 2015
In response to this “epidemic of illegal file sharing” (RIAA 2003a), on June 26, 2003, RIAA redirected legal threats toward individual subscribers of these networks who, in the past, enjoyed anonymity in P2P environments. Prior to RIAA’s recent legal efforts, individual file sharers were almost completely immune from legal liability when violating copyright law. These recent legal developments have considerably altered that perceived notion (Graham 2003; Lichtman 2003). Owing to the impracticality of filing lawsuits against every individual file sharer, RIAA has chosen to focus on a relatively small group of individuals and maximize the publicity surrounding its legal action to discourage the overall participation in file‐sharing networks.
When very few measures to defend against piracy are implemented, it simply encourages piracy across the world because there is essentially less risk associated with it.
How can traditional (or old media) enterprises such as film, television and music overcome the threat of online piracy and file sharing?
Downloading a movie or a song from torrents it is considered piracy and it must be punished. It is a minor crime but still it has to end at some point. If someone gets used to get what he want for free then imagine if in the following years they find a way to get also money for free. What would happen then? It appears only in digital on the screen. Stealing an original movie from the local DVD store it is considered a crime, it is the same stealing it from the web, and the difference is that it only appears on your screen. If you rob a bank in the web and just numbers appear on your account is going to be the same easy thing as downloading a movie in a few