
Wide Range Achievement Test-Four Paper

Satisfactory Essays
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This paper defines and critiques the Wide Range Achievement Test-4 (WRAT-4). The first test edition was created by Joseph Jastak and Sidney Bijou in 1941 and was published in 1946. “The WRAT-4 was developed and published by Dr. Gary S. Wilkinson and Dr. Gary J. Robertson in 2006” The age group suitable for the test, is 5-94 years. The purpose of the test is to gauge individual or group ability in reading, word comprehension, sentence comprehension, spelling, and math computation. The entire test kit is available for $325 and consists of the following: “Professional Manual, Blue Test Forms (25), Green Test Forms (25), Blue Response Forms (25), Green Response Forms (25), Blue Sentence Comprehension Test Forms (25), Green Sentence Comprehension

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