The first time I went to the Wilderness, I brought my friend Brianna. We had lots of fun on the rides there. We were basically just sitting in our seats playing on our tablets and staring out the window. Like I said... "We had lots of fun." We did talk a little about how excited we were to go there. (I think we were there for like 3-5 days!) When we finally got to The Wilderness we got checked in. To be honest getting checked in sucked. It was like 30 minutes of waiting for Dad to come out of the building with our keycards. I know this isn't the trip we're talking about, but on our most recent trip my dad couldn't remember Brianna's last name. Long story short Brianna was my sister for 3 days! :) Finally we go to the water park. The outside park was closed. The outside park was closed! We swam inside. I would rather have been outside, but... well... it was closed. While we were inside we saw the slides! When we were in line, we made the great disision to go on a orange and white slide. Brianna refused I mean really refused to get on that slide again. We only went on the small slides after... The Cannon? I can't remember that name very well. :( …show more content…
In conclusion my first trip to The Wilderness was my favorite trip of all! Thanks for reading. C'ya. :) Oh yeah! Another conclusion is we ate the best pizza in the world there! Yeah. bye!
One day, cutting through the swamp, David comes across the remains of old Indian souls and discovers a skull with jewelry still buried on the bodies. As David kicks at the skull, he hears a voice and looks up to see a black man seated on a stump just looking. The man, wearing a black sash around his body, has a soot-stained face, which makes it appear as if he works in some fiery place. David soon recognizes the stranger as the devil, the black man. Twenty years later we had a family reunion with all my relatives and they started talking about the fire.
Here is the thing, as great as Victoria Bryant National Park sounds; in reality it is not as great as it sounds. To start off with, there is a five dollar charge just to park your car in the park and there is a pet fee to have a pet on the property. The small muddy creek that feels like its 78 degrees, flows through the park and happens to be poorly maintained, as well as any of the trials. Rotten tree trunks, big rough rocks, and tree roots that stick out like a sore thumb, take over the trails, not giving anyone the opportunity to enjoy the wildlife. Instead everyone will be paying attention to their feet and praying no one falls over. If grilling out is an activity planned for the day, then do not waste the time. The grills are not maintained
Sixty days of carrying 80-pound backpacks, sleeping under a tarp for shelter in the Utah winter – welcome to “wilderness therapy.”
The well known Grand Canyon wasn’t always grand. About 6 millions years ago there live a princess called Artemis, she loved a lot of things like hunting, wilderness, and animals. Her kingdom was located in the territory now called, Arizona. She always had her trusty bow and arrow everywhere she went. She hunted so much that she would bring extra animals to feed the poor. But her father didn’t like that, he was selfish and forbade her to feed the poor anymore. He wanted her daughter to be normal, like wear dresses, have proper manners, and be quiet like every princess should be. She didn’t like that, her passion was to hunt, and possibly become a warrior with her true love. The fault with that dream she had no true love.
After a long mountainous drive, I arrived at my destination to embrace one of nature’s wonders in the Great Smokey Mountain National Park, Abram Falls Trail. Upon departing the car, a cool crisp breeze brushed my face and the aroma of bacon lingered in the early morning air from the neighboring campground. The narrow rocky footpath looked like a tedious adventure, however a gorgeous, vibrant array of red, purple, orange, and yellow wildflowers blossoming at the entrance made the trail alluring. Navigating the rocky, uneven terrain required sturdy footing, but the quiet stillness created a peaceful relaxing atmosphere. The lush pine-oak forest formed a green canopy of shelter above the trail, offering welcome cool shade, as vivid sunlight filtered through the foliage. A sweet honey fragrance permeated the air, as a stunning scene displayed a cluster of purple and pure white
Grand Teton National Park is wonderful to visit any time of year, but Fall is my favorite. Autumn brings many wonderful things to the Tetons, but one thing it takes away are the large crowds of summer. Whew!
“Advice, like youth, probably wasted on the young” is the actual title of a column featured in the Chicago Tribune that has become a legend, commonly known as the commencement speech entitled, “Wear Sunscreen”. Mary Schmich’s now infamous words were first published by the Tribune on June 1, 1997. They were subsequently, albeit inaccurately, attributed to the notorious author, Kurt Vonnegut, for his alleged address at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduation. This is one of the first instances of something to “go viral” as it circulated through the early internet, primarily via email (Caro). Those same words made their way to Australian movie director Baz Luhrmann, who in a collaborative effort, put them to music in a song titled, “Everybody’s Free (to wear Sunscreen)” which made it all the way to number 45 on Billboard’s Hot 100 list in April of 1999 (Billboard).
I layed back, kicked my feet up, and looked up at the sun trying to break through the leaves of the enormous Oak trees. There is one place I always end up when I want to escape from the rest of the world: Pokagon State Park.
In our brochure, the Mount Willard trail’s level read moderate and Jason glanced up from the page and offered a warning.
It’s December 2014 and it’s Christmas time in Newcastle. As usual the grey sky lays like a cozy blanket over the city. Somewhere around the Christmas madness a boy is walking around. Among the smell of cinnamon and food from the Christmas market, the sounds from people, cars and buses. Little noises are heard from pigeons fighting over a piece of dirty bread. As the boy navigates trough the crowds of people he is completely unaware of something life changing that is about to happen. This wonderful boy has sandy blonde curly hair that is partially covered by a grey woolly hat, he’s wearing a black cozy warm jacket with grey sweatpants and worn out vans. Wrapped under his shirt the wires from his headphones are just hanging loose on his chest
Are you kidding me? The question popped into my head as I watched, unable to do anything about it, as the teenager backed into my car in the Wal-Mart parking lot. Clearly an inexperienced driver, she had put her car in reverse without checking her mirror and smashed into the passenger side of my vehicle as I drove slowly in the aisle. To her credit, she jumped out of her car immediately and asked if I was alright. I was; we had both been driving at such low speed that there was not much risk of personal injury. Still, there was a sickening crunch when her car hit mine and one look at the right side of my Jeep told me I would be driving a rental for a few days while my vehicle was in the body shop. After exchanging information and listening to a tearful father-daughter phone conversation, I made my own phone calls and drove to the next town to a body shop recommended by my insurance company. The car, fortunately, was drivable, but I had to get an estimate and make an appointment for repair. Twenty minutes later, I walked into the body shop. The smell of repair compound and paint immediately took me back to some of the happiest memories of my childhood. Not many people can make that claim! Scent, for me, is a powerful trigger for memory and emotion. Taking in the smells of the body shop, I was immediately six years old again, sitting in the big desk chair in the office of my
The sun was glistening through the tall, swaying pines. To the right of the trail, a gentle river flowed softly down towards the mouth of the lake. Walking across the rickety wooden bridge, I inhaled a deep breath of refreshingly crisp mountain air. The sun beat down on me as I made my way across the bridge and back onto the well-used hiking trail. The ambient sounds of chirping birds, babbling water, and the croaks of several frogs filled my ears as I made my way around the bend. As I entered the mouth of the forest, I could see my father standing in the middle of the path, glancing upwards, taking in the beauty that had began to engulf us. “We better get going.” he said, looking back at me. “There’s still many miles to go.” I smiled and turned, taking in one last view of the beautiful creekside. Then, with determination, we set out to finish the challenging trek we had started.
NatWest has announced that it will launch a new digital lending platform that will allow the bank to offer speedy decisions on SME loans in a bid to stay competitive with alternative SME lenders.
Although similar in their focus on the narrative of decline and their emphasis on simplicity, the pastoral and wilderness story templates differ in their depiction of animals, their depiction of landscapes, and their depiction of human-nature interaction. For example, the pastoral story template usually depicts domesticated animals, such as sheep and dogs. This distinction makes sense considering the pastoral template tends to focus on areas of nature that have been shaped by humans where domesticated animals would be very common. On the other hand, the wilderness story template features wild animals, such as rabbits, deer, and bears. Since the wilderness story template highlights landscapes that have not been touched by humans, it is logical
I was on my way to New Mexico to research a horse that was called a mustang about two hours on the plane there was a engine failure and we ended up landing in the Amazon Tropical Rainforest . In this specific rainforest it was about eighty degrees fahrenheit and 27 degrees celsius. It was also very humid in the summers plus the winters.My exact gps was 15 south and 71 to the west. At this time I was at the top of the food chain. I had seen some very beautiful plants like Heliconia flower, Cacao, Bromeliads,Venus fly trap and a very special one called The brazil nut tree because they grow only in three places in the world.There were also a lot of animals but the ones that stood out the most were the sloths, toucans,fossa