
Wilfred Owen

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What is Wilfred Owen’s attitude towards WW1 and how is this shown through his poetry?
Wilfred Owen was a soldier during world war one. Many of his poems were published posthumously, and now well renowned. His poems were also heavily influenced by his good friend and fellow soldier Siegfried Sassoon. Wilfred Owen was tragically killed one week before the end of the war. During the war Wilfred Owen had strong feelings towards the use of propaganda and war in general, this was due to the horrors he saw during his time on the frontlines. During his time on the battlefield he thought a lot about the war and the feelings he and other soldiers had, and he channelled his thoughts through poetry. In this essay I will compare ‘Dulce et Decorum …show more content…

In comparison the content of ‘Anthem for a Doomed Youth’ uses rhyming couplets in the form of a Petrarchan sonnet, a much more basic rhyme scheme compared to the complexity of ‘Dulce et decorum est’. However, in contrast to this ‘Anthem of a Doomed youth’ starts in a more depressing tone ‘What passing bells for those who die as cattle... only the monstrous anger of the guns’ these words are trying to tell us that war is not glorious as you do not get a proper funeral, and you die ‘as cattle’ showing that the life of the soldiers is worth no more than the life of an animal and The description depicts multitudes of people being slaughtered and the nature of war to be full of mass deaths.
Owen uses personification to describe the guns ‘Only the monstrous anger of the guns’ to build up a vivid scene as to how the guns were fired, and how the soldiers perceived them to be. Owen shows that in war there are only the sounds of guns being fired. In war, instead of honouring those who have fallen, more are being killed by the same weapons. Thus giving us a clear indication as to how he felt about war. ‘Anthem of a Doomed Youth’ tells us how unfortunate it is for a soldier to die in war, this is due to him getting no respect, farewell or burial. Owen constantly compares the war to traditional burial rituals. ‘Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,- The shrill, demented choirs of wailing shells;’ by saying this

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