
Wilhelm Von Leibniz's Influence On Math And Science

Decent Essays

Out of many famous mathematicians that have impacted the study of math and science, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz has affected both mathematics and science greatly. His influence in mathematics was his co-invention of calculus, and he contributed in the innovations of the theory of geometric envelopes and the binary number system. As a child, his IQ has been estimated as second in all of history. Leibniz also contributed to biology. He predicted the Earth's molten core, he introduced the notion of the subconscious mind, and invented the first calculator that could do multiplication. He created more mathematical terms than any other mathematician. He invented words such as function, analysis situ, variable, abscissa, parameter, and coordinate. Leibniz described himself as "the most teachable of mortals". ( …show more content…

His father was a professor of moral philosophy at the city's university and died when Gottfried was only six years old. His mother was the daughter of a local wealthy lawyer. When Leibniz was only twelve, he became fluent in Latin and became fascinated with the works of German scholars for which he studied. At the age of fourteen, Leibniz entered the University of Leipzig and took philosophy, mathematics and law. He soon applied for a doctorate in law after his graduation but got rejected because of his young age. Leibniz then presented his thesis to the University of Altdorf where professors became so impressed they granted him with the degree of Doctor of Laws and gave him a job of professorship.

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