
Wilifred Owen Writes About Misconceptions of War in Disabled

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Wilfred Owen, as one of the many young men who join the military during World War I, has his own misconceptions of war, but it does not take him long to realize what war is all about. Owen’s position quickly becomes an anti-war because of his personal experiences and observations during the Great War. Owen uses poetry to inform the public that war is not just about patriotism, gallantry, and glory but also about atrocity, cruelty, and destruction. Through his poetry, Owen critiques government officials, religious authorities and public figures, for glorifying the war and sending naïve young men to death and destruction. Examples of Owen’s anti-war sentiment and criticism of the public’s ignorance regarding war can be found in his poem, …show more content…

The government officials use these notions, coupled with the naivety of young men, to portray a different picture of war and recruit more soldiers. Furthermore, Owen comments on the lack of understanding of the war, displayed by officials and civilians alike. Owen writes, “Now, he will spend a few sick years in institutes, / And do what things the rules consider wise,” (Ward 24) and conveys the message that civilians really do not have a definitive solution for the physical and psychological destruction wrought by war. The young recruit in “Disabled” is a prominent high school football player. He might pursue a different path if he were able to understand the ramifications of serving in the war. Instead, he departs for overseas amid glamorous celebrations and fanfare. This glorification of war is short-lived though, as his return from the war is unnoticed and dull. As Owen writes, “Some cheered him home, but not as crowds cheer Goal. / Only a solemn man who brought him fruits / Thanked him; and then enquired about his soul” (Ward 24). Owen questions the behavior of civilians upon the young man’s return from war. The crippled war veteran is not greeted with fanfare or treated as a hero. Rather, the civilians express pity for his injuries or are simply indifferent. Through his experiences, the young man comes to see the true

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