
Will Smith Ali: Persistent Man

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Will Smith Ali: Persistent Man
Will Smith Ali was director and written both by Michael Mann. I saw this movie over the weekend at home. This movie talk about a man Ali, this man is a boxer. He is a Islam same with Malcolm X. When Vietnam War he should went to join the army. However, he did not think that because Vietnam people never call him nigger. Therefore, he rejects become to army and join Vietnam War. American government want to him go to the jail, but he wants to become the people’s champion. After that he refuses surrender with the United State government. Hence, he lose him boxing gold belt because he did not want to surrender with American government. He did not give up his enterprise until he gets boxing champion again in 1974. And he became the black movement and anti-Vietnam war movement's spiritual leader.
The director wants to us study with Ali. This movie wants to show us Ali character has perseverance and never yield to independence. Ali encounter difficult with the …show more content…

I like this movie may be that include some racial discrimination, but I still can learn about Ali’s character. This movie can give people take pleasure because this is black people overcome racial discrimination lead to world arena. When Ali gets back to boxing ring is 34 years old, that is belong to old age in boxing ring. A lot of people think him missing his better time because other boxer only around 25 years old. He resists ten years, but he did not give up to training himself. Ali just wait a chance and he need to a fair treatment. He can go back boxing in his good time if he can apologize with American government. If let my choose, I can make sure I will chosen same with Ali. Ten years is too long time. While he nearly went to the jail and got impose a fine 10000 dollars. Even he has that situation; he still did not surrender and got successful in 1974. Ali’s this character we should

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