
Japanese Labor Market Essay

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America has been a front runner in the labor market for so many years. Unfortunately that is not the case in most recent years. America’s labor market has been downsizing while on the contrary, other countries labor market has been increasing. One economy that has been thriving is in the country of Japan. Since their destruction after the war, Japan has rebuilt their labor market into one of the top labor fields around the world. Unlike any other country, the Japanese utilize part time workers as their driving force. By using part time workers the Japanese are able to keep labor hours down, which decrease the cost of the good, which in essence allows for goods to be more affordable. Cheaper goods allow for more goods to be …show more content…

Japan started looking at different labor models to see which was more beneficial. They noticed that there were an enormous amount of unemployed individuals all looking for work. They did not know how to allocate this many jobs to so many people.
Japan did notice that with the Industrial shift there was an increase in part time work in contrast to full-time work (Gatson, 2007). Japan capitalized their labor market to utilize more part time employees rather than full time employees (Gatson, 2007). The need for flexibility went extremely well with part time workers since they do not work long hours (Houseman and Osawa, 1995). They are able to work at different times when needed. Having part time workers seemed to work really well for this time period in Japan. They noticed that there needed to be flexibility in time worked, while rebuilding the country. Rather than zoning on a limited population of workers that would create extremes in population classes, utilizing all populations allowed for the Japanese to create equal opportunity for survival after the war. This idea of benefiting all was not going to happen overnight. “Although Japan’s job market stagnated for some time, there was an increase in part time employees receiving funds to support their family.” (MHLW, 2003).
Recent Years of Labor Market Japan has continued to use the same type of labor market that led them to one of the highest

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