Willa Cather
Willa Cather, along with many other, were forced to face many struggles throughout their lifetimes. They had to live through some of the worst times, the first World War and the devastating Great Depression, and some of the best times, the passing of the 19th Amendment. These events taught victims to cherish every second of life and it showed that good always triumphs over evil.
The Great War, also known as World War I, began when a Serbian Nationalist assassinated Austria-Hungary’s Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914. The United States did not enter until the Zimmerman Telegram was intersected. It was Germany’s attempt to ally with Mexico so they could beat the United States. Germany told Mexico that when they won the war,
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She worked for Home Monthly (“Willa Sibert Cather”). From 1897 to 1901, she worked for Pittsburgh’s Daily Leader as a drama reviewer and a newspaper editor (Bloom 185). In 1902 Willa Cather traveled throughout Europe (“Willa Sibert Cather”). She later became a teacher. She taught English and Latin at Central High School in Pittsburgh (Bloom 185). She also became the head English teacher and the Latin teacher at Allegheny High. Her first book, April Twilights, was a book of poetry, published in 1903. She moved to New York City in 1903 (“Willa Sibert Cather”). While in New York, she lived in an apartment with Edith Lewis (Bloom 185). She became the managing editor of McClure’s Magazine, a highly influential magazine of the time (Fogel 302). S.S. McClure, the publisher of McClure’s Magazine, published Cather’s book of short stories, The Troll Garden, in 1905. The Troll Garden spoke of an artist's struggles in impoverished areas. There is an underlying tone of her wishes to return to midwestern life. The influence of her perfect author, Henry James, is evident in her four collections of short stories, including, The Troll Garden. In 1905 Cather's first novel, Alexander's Bridge, was published, but it was not incredibly popular. She was pushed by Sarah Orne Jewett to write novels instead of journalism, and with this encouragement, quits her job in 1911 (“Willa Sibert Cather”). The works, O Pioneers!, The song of the Lark, and My Ántonia, displayed women who do whatever to provide for their family. Also, they feature immigrants as the hero of the stories; this was uncommon in this era. For example, O Pioneers!, is a tragedy about a woman from Norway who does whatever she can to keep the family farm at any cost, even her own happiness (Tessitore 131). In her 1920 collection, Youth and the Bright Medusa, she focused on what it means to be successful.
World War I, also known as the first World War, or the Great War, was a global war originating in Europe the began on the 28th of July 1914 and lasted until the 11th of November 1918. World War I was a war that was fought between two sides with a few of the World’s greatest Nations of that time. The two sides were Triple Entente which included Britain, France, and Russia, and the Triple Alliance which was consisted of the countries Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. World War I left a mark on history as we know it, what could have possibly led to that war?, What were the underlying causes of World War I?. The major causes of “The Great War” or WWI consist of four long-term causes and one short-term cause. The common acronym that’s used for the four long-term causes to help students remember the causes of WWI is M.A.I.N; the acronym stands for Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism,and the short-term cause The Assassination of the ArchDuke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo on the 28th of June 1914. To put all of this in a simpler way the five major causes of WWI was Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, and the assassination of the ArchDuke Franz Ferdinand. Each of topics played a significant role in the reasons why WWI would begin.
A reader can gain much knowledge from just one book. Willa cather is an amazing authors that can transform the way you think , and your outlook on the subject. Williams states, “ The early years of young Willa's life left a memorable impression on her and formed the basis for many of her stories and characters. The Cathers travelled west across six states landing in Nebraska, Webster county, in 1883 to live at her paternal grandfather's farm” In “My Antonia” by Willa Cather, is one of America’s great love stories. Her main characters face challenges but yet still find a way to live. Also by Willa Cather, “A Wagner Matinee” is also a very informational text. In this piece, A woman leaves her home and sees what she is missing in life. SHe realises the grass is greener on the other side, and never wants to go back. The three things that I learned about the West from Willa Cather's “My Antonia” and “A Wagner Matinee” are beauty is in the eye of the beholder, change is a good thing, and love is eternal.
The Great War , or as it is known now, World War One was a global conflict fought between the Allied Powers ; Great Britain, France, Russia, and the United States along will other smaller nations and the Central Powers ; Germany, Austria – Hungary, Turkey/Ottoman Empire and other small nations from 1914 to 1918. World War One began from a series of tumultuous events, that in turn affected the balance of alliances that had been made between countries at that time in the world.
On july 28,1914 world war 1 began.what had started this big war was the assassination of the archduke. For many people this war was known as the first war or the war to end all wars. World war 1 was when Great Britain, France, Russia, Belgium, Italy, Japan, the United States, and other allies defeated Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria. Between 1914 and 1918 15 million soldiers were killed and 20 million were wounded. The conditions were very crucial for the soldiers at war and their families at home.
The United States Senate voted eighty two to six to go to war against Germany. World War I started in 1914. President Woodrow Wilson was a fan of French and English history, but he still signed a pledge, that stated America's neutrality. American corporations were already selling military weapons to both sides of the war. Sadly, President Wilson did not take action against this. At this point in time, America and Great Britain were the best of trading partners. Germany was not happy with his arrangement. Germany quickly surrounded Great Britain. Germany sunk and shot down many of America's ships.
Willa Cather was born into an unlucky time. For half her life, she had few rights. She had to live through the Great Depression and World War I. Despite all of this, she was able to press on and do what she loved. She was able to express herself throughout her novels.
In the novel O Pioneers! the author Willa Cather?s vision of Alexandra Bergson is consistent in character treatment with other authors such as Nathaniel Hawthorne (Scarlet Letter), and Stephan Crane (Maggie: A Girl of the Streets). In each novel, all authors possess a central character that has an obvious tension between themselves and their community. Unlike the previous authors, Cather?s sympathies lie toward Alexandra. She makes Alexandra seem artificial because she has given a woman (also being her main character) strength and courage, along with power to overcome those who wish to pull her down.
World War I, also known as the First World War, the Great War and the War to End All Wars, was a global military conflict which took place primarily in Europe from 1914 to 1918.[2] Over 40 million casualties resulted, including approximately 20 million military and civilian deaths.[3] Over 60 million European soldiers were mobilized from 1914 1918.[4] The immediate cause of the war was the June 28, 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, by Gavril Principe, a Bosnian Serb citizen of Austria-Hungary and member of the Black Hand. The retaliation by Austria-Hungary against Serbia activated a series of alliances that set off a chain reaction of war declarations. Within a month, much of Europe was
The First World War began in 1914, also known as World War I. A european war in which an alliance including Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and the United states defeated the alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, and Bulgaria. It was believed that the fighting would be over quickly but sadly the war lasted 4 years (from August 1st, 1914 to November 11th, 1918. It soon became clear that the fighting would continue for a long time and that it would result in massive casualties. Although the United States attempted to avoid involvement in the war. Finally by 1917 they joined the Allied Powers.
On July 28, 1914 World War I commenced, putting the Allies against the Central powers. Altogether there was thirty-two countries involved in the war. Countries such as Britain, France, Russia, and the United States were pinned against countries such as Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. Although there was a multitude of reasons that World War I erupted, the historic ‘beginning’ of this war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Despite this, The United States of America was said to join the fight when Germany attempted to make alliance with Mexico to spite America. Once the United States caught word of this through the interception of the Zimmerman telegraph, they entered into the war on the Allies side.
My Antonia is a classic story originally published in 1918 by Willa Cather. Cather was a famous author in the early-mid 1900s, placing her work in an era of a formal, illustrative, sophisticated writing style. She wrote numerous books about life on the great plains, where she was born and raised. She received many awards for her artistic novels throughout her lifetime. She died in 1947, and the public continues to praise her work almost a century after its publishing date. Her free-spirited writing has made her an icon ever since her books reached the shelves.
World War 1 started in July 28, 1914. WWI was the conflict in which a plethora of countries around Europe and America took part in. The US played a big role in the efforts to win the war even if it was near the end. Millions of both civilians and soldiers died in the war and cross fire. World War 1 was the first major conflict at a global scale.
World War I had occured between July 1914 and November 11,1918. The war had been caused by the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. When a Serbian terrorist had drove by shooting him, and his family. Then when Austria-Hungary demanded reparations (amends), they declared war against Serbia. Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism had lead to the cause of World War I.
World War 1 was fought between the periods of 1914 to 1919. It is also known as the Great War. WW1 began as a conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary. The conflict spread like wildfire, dragging almost all of the countries in Europe into WW1. Lots of reasons are given onto the cause of the war and what eventually concluded the war. My paper will discuss the different aspects of the war, especially the U.S.’s contribution and involvement to the war.
My Antonia was published in 1918, two years before all American women were granted the right to vote in 1920. Willa Cather lived in a bustling time where women were heavily vouching for fundamental rights and breaking free from what had been considered societal norms. While Cather mentions the conventional duties and housewives of the time the book was written, her story’s focus differs. “My Antonia’s,” narrative centers around women, many of whom are immigrants, who transcend the gender norms of their time on their journeys to create successful lives, much to Jim’s admiration.