
Willa Impact On Gunner: Character Analysis

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We often saw a character change an individual in a good or a bad way, but not every single story always have a good ending but at least it can make a small impact on a person. More specifically, Willa impact on Gunner. Gunner just can't live without her, all the thing she has done to him, it could be forgotten but he will never forget how she made him feel. "Holy sh*t. The words sounded calm as she spoke them, but the look in her eyes made it seem as if they had been torn from her chest. Pain so intense it darkened the color of her blue eyes, making them almost black, as if her pupils had dilated, taking on the darkness of what she was saying." (Abbi 123). After Willa left Arkansas, everything around Gunner is darkness and regression as he let her go without a talk or looking for a solution to untwist their relationship. He felt like she knows where Willa actually belong and she had a past to return. He can tell by the look of Willa, her thought and feeling deep inside of her, only love can heal her heart nothing else can. "I know pain, and I …show more content…

She knew I'd keep her secrets safe. Having her back made me feel less alone. Willa had always been the one I trusted above everyone". (Abbi 124). He knew at the beginning, they both were perfect together and nothing can separate them but life happens, he regrets his decision of letting her go more than anything. Now alone by himself, he knows how it feels to have someone important to him, comfort him every day. Things sometimes maybe sucked but they passed and eventually, they got better. Once you trust someone, you will never turn your back on them even during the hardest time of all, you just can't. It's like sword and shields, you can't attack without sword but can't break without shields. ""I'll teach you. I have faith in you, Willa Ames. You'll be my wingman before it's all over," Gunner said." Like Gunner implied, we can learn from the mistake, trust each other and improve from

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