
William Bennett Against Gay Marriage Summary

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Critique of Bennett’s “Against Gay Marriage”

Gay marriage is repeatedly under the magnifying glass in the media, the papers, and constantly opposed by adamant conservative politicians. In his piece “Against Gay Marriage,” Bennett demonstrates this issue. William Bennett himself is a married conservative politician. Due to this, we can better understand the flailing urgency of his argument against homosexual marriage. Bennett takes a very strong and adamant approach to what is a particularly sensitive subject at this moment in time, and leaps into act of persuading his audience to turn away from the idea of legalizing gay marriage, or even to reject it. While this stands true of his argument, he also seeks to focus on a specific audience: other married or betrothed heterosexual couples. He seeks to gain their support in the war to save traditional marriage before it is eradicated, as well as to point out that homosexual marriage and heterosexual marriage will reach …show more content…

They will be the minority. The scare factor is utilized once more. Bennett reels around and makes the readers look at future life with the legalization of gay marriage, thus the introduction of role reversal, or vicissitude, for the two sexualities. Bennett begins by honing in on the education system: “The sex education curriculum of public schools would have to teach that heterosexual and homosexual marriage are equivalent. ‘Heather Has Two Mommies’ would no longer be regarded as an anomaly; it would more likely become a staple of sex education curriculum. Parents who want their children to be taught (for both moral and utilitarian reasons) the privileged status of heterosexual marriage will be portrayed as intolerant bigots; they will necessarily be at odds with the new law of matrimony and its derivative curriculum”

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