
William Blake Annotated Bibliography

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Mayte- William Blake: Before watching your presentation, I only knew the basics regarding William Blake. There are various interesting things that you mentioned that I did not know about. For example, you mentioned how he was more commonly known for his art rather than his poems. His art as a whole is really interesting. You mentioned how he took his encounters with the people around him, his brother’s death, and visions and reflected them into his work. One thing from that list that stood out to me the most were his visions. He was able to take his visions and portray them in his paintings even when many people found it difficult to understand the meanings behind it. Lizett- Rudyard Kipling: I find it really interesting how Kipling did what many Indian-English writers never dare to do. He transmitted his views and beliefs through his work. Criticism was not something that prevented him from stopping, it helped him find the confidence to continue. You mentioned how he also found inspiration from the different places that he lived in throughout his life: England, India, and Africa. Which influenced many of today’s writers to write about their surroundings. You also mentioned his most famous work, Kim, which I had not really heard about. Though I can now see why many people were intrigued by its plot. Janett- John Keats: …show more content…

You mentioned how he even graduated yet decided to take a different path in which he was able to inspire many of today’s writers through his many works. Like Keats, there are other writers whose works and name did not get the recognition they deserved until after their death. Therefore it is sad that he was not able to marry Fanny Brawne since he had decided to not marry until he had proven himself to be a professional

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