
William Glasser's Reality Therapy And Choice Theory

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Throughout peoples’ lives they learn many valuable life lessons. One of those lessons can be about anger and how it can destroy you and everyone around you If you let it. Anger shows signs of frustration, with one state of mind of judgement. This individual lacks control of his/her emotions under extreme pressure which result in a weak character. In today’s society, the crime rate continues to grow at a rapid rate while people tend to stand around with a look of disbelief in their eyes. Many of today’s tragedies stem from someone being angry and having no one to talk to. With this being said, it doesn’t make it okay to act out in an aggressive way. Everyone has a choice to either ignore what is being done to them or figure out an alternative …show more content…

Glasser was like most of Sigmund Freud’s previous colleagues who had disagreed with the Freudian model of Psychoanalysis. Glasser became convinced that it was of vital importance that clients accept responsibility for their own behavior. Reality therapy, based on the work of William Glasser, proposes that human beings are responsible for making choices about behavior and that such choices are intended to meet five basic human needs: survival, love and belonging, power (achievement), freedom (to make life decisions), and fun (Wubbolding, 2000). There are many students who suffer from anger issues. And don’t realize that their unhappiness, stems from the way they have chosen to behave. This is where the counselor would guide the student towards a satisfying connection and will teach the students more effective ways of behaving. In return the more positive relationships the students have with more people on campus, the greater chance they will get to experience happiness in and out of …show more content…

By doing this, the leader ensures that the purpose is clear and hopefully coincides with what the members want or expect (Jacobs &Others). This is very important that way everyone is on the same page. For example, a counselor might say, “I’m really excited to see all of you here today. As some of you know I’m Mr. Johnny and I’m the Counselor here at RCHS. This group was brought together to discuss some of the anger issues we’ve been dealing with on our campus. As you can see were all here for the same reasons, and I’m here to help you guys make better choices.” Then the counselor will go into the rules and expectations of the group. Since this is a Reality and Choice therapy, allow them to make the rules. To show them that they have the power to make the rules and the power to break them. After this the counselor would introduce and ice-breaker game, this will give the students the chance to get to know one another. After this is done have the students break up into pairs and share something about themselves that makes them mad and what do they do when this happens. Then have them wrap it up and ask if they have any questions, if not see them next week for session

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