
William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

Decent Essays

Lord of the flies is a noble prize winner that was written by William Goulding the novel is about four British school boys that where in a plane but the plane crash lands and get stranded on an island, the group of boys are on this island and there is conflict is seeming all the ways that Golding describes conflict though two of the main characters, Ralph leader of civilize and educated group, and Jack is leader of the savage group. In the book there’s a beast, all the boys saw this shadow in the air and they all thought it was a beast and they called it beastie. Jack made a decision to make a sacrifice for beastie so they went on a hunt, eventually they found a mother pig and jack had sharpened a stick both ends and stuck it into the ground and then cut off the pigs head and placed it on the tip on the sharp point and told the savage boys that the beast will not harm us. …show more content…

It also demands on a close opinion of the methods with humankind uses to battle evil and whether those methods are real. Ralph feels the need to belong and be wanted. He is a problem solver and tries to remain civil. Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart. He is also human and is weak to temptation “Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was over

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