
William Shakespeare 's Merchant Of Venice

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William Shakespeare has written many plays with tragic endings, happy endings, and everything in between. One of his plays, Merchant of Venice, is considered a comedy for its resolve of marriage, fortune, and wellbeing of its main characters. Except for one. This character, Shylock, is the sole force pushing the play as a conflicted characters, and he is depicted as the villain of the play. The events that take place in the story leave Antonio with a happy ending, but a much more grim, destructive and crushing forfeiture for Shylock, which when boiled down and considered leaves a much darker happily ever after than thought for this play, which is why this play is best understood as a tragedy because the heart of the story is not the tale of the static Antonio, but rather the rise and fall of Shylock, the perceived villain, and money lender of Venice. Shylock’s rise and fall through the entire story reflects the play as a tragedy through Antonio’s relentless abuse towards Shylock with the devastating end of Shylock not having justice, Shylock losing of his daughter Jessica when he’s only trying to protect her, and Shylock losing everything during the trial scene where the law is manipulated to be in Antonio’s favor. To begin, Antonio’s abuse towards Shylock previously and presently in the play contributes heavily to the feeling of defeat when Antonio unjustly wins the trial, and only adds to the pain and suffering he has already experienced from Antonio. This abuse, ruthless,

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