
William Shakespeare 's The Twelfth Night Essay

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This semester we have learned about the differences that exist between theatrical and cinematic elements in plays and films. Slowly with the knowledge gained, we transitioned into examining the adaptations of the world famous playwright, William Shakespeare. For this assignment, we were to choose a modern Shakespeare adaption and compare its successes and failures to its traditional script. With the choices given, I decided to choose the Twelfth Night to its modern adaption directed by Andy Fickman called, “She’s the Man.” I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it as an option, therefore I felt as though it would be a great option to explore. I have seen the movie several times since its release in 2006, however I was unaware that it was based off a Shakespeare play. In my opinion, I believe that Andy Fickman did a fantastic job in adapting the play to its modern audience. I was able to find some similarities and differences between the play and the film. This paper will highlight each individual aspect of the play, film, its elements and my analysis.
Before distinguishing the details of the adaption, it is important to become familiar with the original play, Twelfth Night. With some research, I was able to learn Twelfth Night is also known as What You Will. In addition, the play indicates the end of the Christmas season and a time when the norms of society were upturned. With this information and my background knowledge of its modern adaption, I was excited to read the

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