
William Shakespeare's Macbeth

Decent Essays

What makes us who we are? Well, this is a broad question, but a lot of different factors impact us on a way we might not understand until the time is right. The motivation and goals we set for ourselves, who we surround ourselves with whether we have a choice or not, learning from mistakes and making our own and how regrets and guilt play a role, and difficult situations that we are born into or get ourselves into and how our race and gender has an effect on our lives. All of these components are displayed in these four works and connect to one another.
Motivation and Goals
• Who we surround ourselves with (whether we have a choice or not) makes an impact on us; What people tell you [determines our future?]
• Learning from others mistakes & making our own: how regrets/guilt play a role
• Difficult situations: -gender/race
Macbeth- wanted to be king so badly
• Did whatever it took to be king; Lady Macbeth critical to his being king
• Toward end Macbeth realized his mistakes; accepted death; knew he deserved it for murder of innocent people; others wanted to kill him
• Went insane, LMB committed suicide; he became better person, realized his jealousy
• LMB could get away with fainting bc she was a woman, distracted; askd God for courage of Man
• Macbeth: “The prince of Cumberland! That is a step, On which I must fall down, or else o'erleap, For in my, way it lies. Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires. The eye wink at the hand, yet let that be

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