At first Othello was shown as a very peaceful person, he didn't say much, but when he did, it'd be short or sweet (even both). Although, this didn't last very long before Iago could get to him and start to say cruel things to Othello. Othello was the victim here, he didn't particularly do anything to harm Iago, but as the tragic story goes, Iago was the villain. The theme of this tragic play mostly revolves around jealousy, reputation, stereotypes, and trust. Basically, what other people thought, was very important here and Othello was a victim of all the above. Iago mentally/emotionally abused Othello, he made Othello trust him and not ask questions, he made Othello think twice and feel insecure about his race because he was different, he
Iago is one of the most misunderstood villains in Shakespeare literature. We side with Othello from the start because his name is on the cover of our paperback, we read Othello when learning about heroes, so we expect Iago to be a villain, a ruthless manipulator. We don’t know why, he doesn’t state it plainly or in simple English, so we assume that he’s evil, that he’s just a disgruntled sociopath out to exact his exaggerated revenge on good and noble Othello. Iago’s misunderstood reputation is a result of not truly examining his character, and answering the “why” factor behind his actions. After all, everyone is innocent until proven guilty. His goal in the play was not just to destroy Othello for the fun of it. His objective,
Why is impaired driving an issue and why should you care? You are only as safe as the other drivers on the road. If there was an impaired driver on the road that was distracted and, for example, ran a red light, and you were the car who was just following the rules and going through a green light, and they hit you, you are now hurt and have to deal with this issue. Impaired driving does not just affect the driver who is impaired but also others who are on the road as well. Impaired driving is a very serious and dangerous issue that many people are charged and prosecuted for. The six basic types of impaired driving are alcohol, advance
Othello was more mellow and modest about his pride. He knew how to keep it under control so he wouldn’t become such a “hothead.” Othello was too, at the top of his ranks, he was educated, he had a wife, and everyone, well almost everyone, loved him. Othello believed everyone should be trusted, so he believed everyone he would talk to, including a cold-blooded, liar, named Iago. Iago despises Othello because he wants to be the rank Othello is at.
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Composers use the idea of reading to write as well as certain aspects of the complex human condition in order to allow readers to understand purpose of their texts, creating another level of interactivity without viewing it at face value. The deconstruction of playwright Shakespeare’s writing of the tragedy,Othello(1603), enables audiences to explore the sinister aspects of the human condition which reveal humanity’s flaws such as; humanity’s subjection to intense emotions and its proclivity in overriding ordinary sane instincts, how it can subsequently lead individuals to their downfall and how this relates to Shakespeare’s own contextual world. Shakespeare’s composition of Othello also serves as a platform to raise awareness amongst individuals
Othello is known as the tragic hero of the play, however, he can also be viewed as a victim. To be a victim is to suffer the consequences of someone else’s actions, which describes Othello. When Iago addressed Othello with some shocking news, that Desdemona was cheating on him, Othello believed him over his wife. This is ironic since Othello claimed “”Twhere now to be most happy, for I fear My soul hath her content so absolute That not another comfort like to this Succeeds in unknown fate.” In this statement, Othello expresses his happiness in being with Desdemona. He says if he were to die right in that very moment he’d be the happiest man alive since he had her. This signifies how Othello said he loved and cherished Desdemona, yet he believes
In Othello, William Shakespeare portrays how Othello is a highly respected figure in Venetian society, but that the racially prejudiced reality he faces threatens to unmask his deepest insecurities. Iago despises Othello due to how he has vastly excelled him in military rank. He desires to reduce Othello’s glittering reputation and love life to dust. He is keenly aware of how Othello has always felt different than everyone else in Venice due to his African background. Othello believes that his relationship with Desdemona will finally allow him to escape his insecurities. However, Iago uses Othello’s greatest strength against him as he allows his love for Desdemona to become his greatest weakness. Iago’s racial prejudice leads him to manipulate
Othello may be seen as a tragic hero throughout William Shakespeare’s famous play, Othello. From the get go Iago masters manipulating Othello, he continues to do so until he suffers his major downfall. Iago is not remorseful for it at all. In fact, he’s doing it for revenge of the
The nature of Othello's character is of a dark man. Not only because he is black, but also because his whole person is very mysterious. He is mysterious in that he believes there is magic everywhere. With this dark side, he is also very outgoing, and not very bright. He is not observant and the schemes of Iago work well on him. For all the dangers and encounters he has been involved in, this man is still naive of the corruptness of other individuals. Othello has a trusting nature in which he gives it all. He put all his trust in Iago during times of war and during Othello's marriage to Desdemona. Everyone considered Iago as honest, and it would be out of character for Othello to believe any different. For example, Othello had told Duke:
Iago presents himself to the world as a faithful and honest man. In fact other people speak of him as “honest Iago”. Beneath the surface of his identity that he portrays to the world is his manipulation through lies. He uses his lies to manipulate other people and desperately wants revenge on Othello. He hates Othello so passionately because he gave the position of lieutenant up to another person instead of him. I think it could also be because of jealousy. I think he’s jealous of Cassio and Othello because later on in the story after he finally becomes lieutenant he brings up another reason to seek revenge on Othello, which was rumors of Othello sleeping with his wife. Iago is good at using people’s weaknesses to manipulate people and persuade
Othello is truly broken knowing that Iago has been lying to him this whole time. He just killed his wife and has been manipulated. Othello didn’t want to kill Iago even after all he did be he did torture him by stabbing him. For Othello there wasn’t any other way to live day by day knowing he murdered his wife and kills himself laying right next to his wife and Iago’s wife. While Iago slowly dieing he crawls to Othello and dies. This shows that Iago’s revenge may have been caused by more than just Othello’s
Starting off, Othello allows Iago to tamper with his mind and does nothing to stop it. Othello puts all of his trust in him, but Iago is just hiding behind a mask and only wishes to torment Othello. Othello is not aware of his surroundings and the people there, making him vulnerable. If he paid more attention to Desdemona and not Iago than he would not have thought to kill his loyal wife. Othello jumps to conclusions too quickly
Vulnerability to other people¡¦ s lies highlight insecurities and flaws in Othello¡¦ s character creating ignoble personalities. Othello¡¦s weakness in succumbing to Iago¡¦ s lies shows his ignoble in thoughts. Othello chooses to believe the lies of Iago even though Iago didn¡¦t earn his trust of becoming his lieutenant, instead of believing Desdemona, the woman he loves. This is the major fault that Othello had done. Right away after listening to Iago ¡¥s words Othello suspects Desdemona for her loyalty. This can be seen when Othello says ¡§ I have a pain upon my forehead here.¡¨ (III, iii, 286) Which means he already assumes Desdemona is disloyal to him. Another main reason Othello falls into Iago¡¦ s lies and traps is because even Othello sees flaws deep inside himself because of his race, social graces, age difference and also as a foreigner of Venetian¡¦s culture. This can be seen in his soliloquy ¡§ Haply for I am black ¡K I am declined into the vale of years.¡¨ (III, iii, 265-268) And also what Iago said to Othello, ¡§ I know our country¡K but keep¡¦t unknown.¡¨ (III, iii, 203-206) These show Othello¡¦ s insecure personalities because he is black. Othello has not really think about what is the truth and who he should believe in because all of the jealousy and insecure personality covered his noble mind and makes up the fact that
When revealing the moment of tragic recognition, the audience must first identify the tragic hero. In Shakespeare’s “Othello,” the namesake bears such title. Othello is a seasoned military champion who woos and wins the heart of the beautiful and pure Desdemona. However, after being manipulated by the sinister Iago, Shakespeare reveals jealously as Othello’s fatal flaw. Ignorant of Iago’s plan, Othello wholly believe the vicious lies spun out of Iago’s quest for revenge, based on his belief that Othello “used” his wife. Similarly, this ignoble antagonist determines to seek tit for tat by taking Othello’s wife. Consequently, driving Othello to the brink of madness with accusations concerning Cassio and Desdemona, Iago convinces Othello to spy
Villains are characters who are devoted to committing evil acts and thus set the plot in motion. They add excitement to works of literature, as they challenge the concept of higher morality, to achieve a certain goal. For the most part, a villain has a motive for their heinous deeds, but a villain whose only motive is the sadistic pleasure they receive from watching their victims suffer, is the most interesting. In Othello, Shakespeare introduces the audience to one of the most malevolent and diabolical of all Shakespearean villains. What makes Iago such an intriguing character, is the intricateness of his personality as well as the inability of viewers to sympathize with him or understand the inner workings of his mind. Ironically, he puts on the face of a confidante, hence the name, “honest Iago”, while playing the role of the devil. He is able to fabricate certain situations that serve his monstrous plot and takes on the role of the puppet master, while abusing his incredible insight into human nature and the personalities of those around him in order to manipulate, exploit and control them. Interestingly, the source of his sinister demeanor seems to originate from a bottomless pit of hate, malice and resentment towards all that is good, innocent and noble, deep within him. Therefore, in William Shakespeare’s Othello, Iago is simply a monstrous, vice-like character due to the