Willpower will encourage my choices because they will help with my goal that I want to achieve, to earn a bachelors degree and work for the FBI. I want to earn good grades but I want to be the best, I want to push myself to the fullest. If I work hard and stay motivated I can be the best and achieve my goal a 4.0 GPA. Building my critical writing skills will help me in future in my upcoming classes and also help communicate with others. Organization is key to school, making sure everything is up to date and turned in when need be. This will help through my time in college and in future jobs or in my job today.
As a young boy, I never truly put much into school. I put as little thought about college as well, but it took one moment that made me want the desire to succeed in my life and make something of it. Working for 12 straight hours in the middle of the hot sun, making minimum wage wasn't how I wanted to live. Going to multiple jobs and having to work all weekend, even during school occasionally was extremely difficult. This just gave me that extra drive to be more superior than anyone else. Yet, I never gave up and still pushed to be the best student I could be. Staying up late nights just to finish homework so I was able to make the best grade in class. The simplest moments in life made we want to be the best
Yes! Education is very important to me because of the way I grew up. My mother wasn’t very educated about children sometimes I think she thought that children should come with a how-to book, which is why my brother and I were put into foster care. I told myself that when I grew up I was going to go to college. I enrolled here at Ashford University on December, 21, 2014 and I’m estimated to graduate on December 3, 2018. My three (3) educational goals that align with education as a core value are Goal A, Do the best to my ability and apply myself to do the work and receive a passing grade. Get a “B” or better. Goal B, Never give up! No matter what anyone says? My final goal C is to finish out with my bachelor’s degree in childcare. With me willpower has a play in all that I do. I have so many people that do not believe in me. They say that because I have a learning disability that I won’t be able to do the work in college. I use my willpower to show them they are wrong. My willpower is
During my high school years, I can confidently say I have excelled in my academic endeavours. This success is partially due to my desire to learn. I am always intrigued by the lessons and concepts that are at the core of assigned work. My passion for learning has facilitated my learning process; because I am usually interested in the material that is being taught, my ability to retain and understand information is heightened. My academic success is also due to my drive to do the best I can. Since grade nine, I have demanded excellence from myself in all academic subjects. I strived to perform to the best of my abilities in the first high school years so that I would adopt that habit early and take it with me through the senior high school years. Finally, my academic excellence
When you start middle and high school all you hear is try,try,try. It gets aggravating when you hear it everyday, but when it comes down to it all those teachers were right. In my life right now perseverance and dedication are some of the most important things that help me do the work. They are some of the most empowering qualities in my life because they keep me working to my fullest extent and keep me thinking that after this I can move on and put work into something that I really love. Starting off, I consider myself to be very perseverant.
A wise person said, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” The book, Mindset written by Carol Dweck, is about the growth mindset and the fixed mindset. Dweck analyzed how these mindsets have an impact on a person’s ability to succeed academically. The book is crucial because it contains many brilliant ideas which, if individuals follow, will lead them to success. In her book, there are three chapters that cover learning, effort, failure, ability, accomplishment, and sports talent. Carol Dweck’s text Mindset addresses the current concern regarding academic success, with which I agree.
Tara Parker-Pope ‘s article How to Boost Your Willpower breaks down key ways to help anyone
I faced many influences through my friends, to girls, to just being a high school teenager. I soon found out that I was making decisions on making others happy rather than myself. Being who I am was the best decision I have made in my entire life. Many influences will come into play throughout my time in college. If is stay true to myself and know who I am as a person I will accomplish many achievement and stay focused on my goals in
Ambition is a skill that I will always need to work on, as there are many events in life that will tear at my confidence. As of now, I am ambitious because I see the progress I make in school and am motivated by it. My GPA is above a 4.0 on the weighted scale and my rank percentage on the STAR Reading test jumped from 88% to 96% in just a matter of months. Seeing these scores and grades gives me hope of the prospect of getting into a good college. I continue to work on my ambition as I join clubs like Best Buddies and compete in national pageants, all of which I could not imagine myself doing a year ago. Another skill that I have managed to achieved is thinking critically, meaning I can make judgements that are supported by evidence and are well thought out. The website study.com states that critical thinking can be separated into three categories: curiosity, skeptisism, and humility. Curiosity is not just listening to what you are told, but going out and doing your own research. This year I am competing in science fair, in which I am experimenting a topic that I have been curious about for a while. Skepticism in terms of critical thinking is thinking over what you are told and questioning what you do not completely true. Throughout my years in school, I would take in what the teachers told me, but always wanted to
I know that the learning preference I acquired will help me in college a lot. Considering everything is up to me to learn, I will be taking a lot of notes and reading many assignments. My motivation will definitely need to improve if I want to make it through college successfully. I'm willing to push myself to be better and further my education.
Success is essential when it comes to a student’s academic career because it helps them graduate even better themselves. Success can impact a student in many different ways and different concepts, such as pushing them to believe in themselves or reading or math or science, can help a student to be successful. The two of which can be “grit” and the concepts of growth and a fixed mindset. Grit is vital to the success of a student because they learn how to persevere in a long term goal. Fixed and growth mindset can impact a student’s success because it either help or hinder them in any subject such as science or physical education.
The three factors that I would attribute my success thus far to are my grit, mindset, and work-ethics. My grit attributes to me not wanting or allowing myself to fail by letting me do everything humanly possible to succeed. My mindset allow me to stay focus and achieve my goals and not be shaken by any doubt. My work-ethics is my resolve and, it allows to hold more doubts in my work which in turn strengthen my firm mindset. Both, my mindset and work-ethics gives me a reason to have grit to stay determined on my path to becoming an excellent student and achieve my college and career goals.
Often times people go into college with their eyes closed tightly, meaning they are totally unprepared for what lies ahead. There are a variety of aspects that determine whether students are successful in college. Meeting basic requirements to enter college, selecting the right courses, learning how to study on the college level, and managing time are all key factors in becoming a successful college student. Throughout college life students are faced with a variety of temptations. How they choose to overcome these temptations determine whether they become successful or not in
The late Nelson Mandela once said, “May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears.” Nelson Mandela made this point in one of his speeches in his country of South Africa. These words carry a lot of meaning for those who struggled to gain their freedom, and to be recognized in South Africa, in times of adversity. This quote reminds us to invest in the hopes alongside the willingness to get involved, to produce results. Whether it is to further and growth their own community, or to protect existing values and traditions. For the natives who live on the reservations there are benefits in the freedom of choice that could bring progress, both emotional and socioeconomic. For some of the reservations and towns chosen to focus on the potential and the hopes people have. Local authorities and community leaders are better able to plan and help contribute to their own communities in a faster and appropriate manner that is more effective to improve the wellbeing and prosperity of their communities. Some of the examples would be the reservation that have managed to open casinos and other forms to attract people to come and spend money. The majority of them have managed to dramatically increase the lifestyle, education and outlook on life for their tribe members. For most of the tribes it has been the difference between a lifestyle on the edge of poverty and addiction to
Going to college you will meet lots of people with the same goals as you do. I will make new friends and we can motivate each other’s to never lose faith in what our goals are. You can also count on your family for support and motivation. Nothing scream motivation like my mom taking a frying pan and throwing it across the room yelling, “Stop being a little baby and get A’s for me in school. I will disown you if you don’t. And the Asian community will laugh at you because all Asian people do well in school.” If I ever lose faith or have a lack of motivation there are always people around me to turn that
What motivates me to go to college,to put hard work in,day after day, and to achieve my goals in higher education is my parents and myself. Since I started elementary school my parents have always motivated me to go to college. I was always a good student, but, when I had entered seventh grade, it all changed. I really did not care about school, i have been just whatever about school period. Then it hit me again in my junior year of high school. Freshman and sophomore I was not really interested in school and didn 't think I was going to college. My parents had a talk with me and that talk changed me. They were just asking me what am I going to do with my life if I didn 't go on with school and all this other stuff that made me think really hard. I didn 't want to make my parents think that their son was a failure, they raised a failure. I changed my ways and started doing better in school and now I am currently attending Cal State University of Los Angeles. Now they are more proud than ever, me being the first one in my family to attend a university. My parents will always be my biggest motivators.