
Winchendon Natural Resources

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Conservation and Recreation (DCR) and the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife with permanent protection as conservation lands. Harkness and DeMarco (2016) state that a historical review is an effective way to assess a community. History states that Winchendon was settled in 1752 by the Europeans, prior to this there is evidence, via early pathways, that the Native Americans where also once in this area although no settlements were found or recorded (White, 2015). This was originally the country of the Pennacook Indians then the Nipnet/Nipmuck tribe. The area was wilderness, which the settles had to clear land, build homes and find a way to survive. Since the area was rich in waterways this energy was harnessed and used in early gristmills …show more content…

The population is largely white 95%, with the medium age in 2013 was 42.8 years old compared to the Commonwealth’s medium age of 39.1 years old indicating a large percentage of older adults. The population of the age group over age 65 increased by 32.8 percent a faster rate than the population of the town. The next class of 55-64 year olds increased by more than 50 percent during that same time frame indicating that the senior population will continue to grow for the next ten years according to the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission. The population of children in the town is declining with children under the age of 5 decreased by more than eighteen percent from 2000-2010, which may indicate a decline in school enrollment in the future (Montachusett Regional Planning Commission, 2013). The medium household income was $61,937 less than statewide of $66,658. The median household per capita income was $27,688, which is $8,000 less than the state average, with 26.6% of persons in the poverty range. The male Median income is $22,171 with the female median income at $18,178. Median housing value is $176,700 with total housing units 1,999 (2010-2014 American-Community Survey 5 Year Profiles). As the local manufacturing jobs continue to decline and local jobs continue to be concentrated in the service sector it will become more

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