Subsystems 4-6
Through a windshield survey one is able to assess a city. While touring through a city, one can evaluate and assess many different parts that make up the city. In this survey specific attention and detail was paid attention to in regards to three subsystems of the city. The three subsystems that will be discussed are education, recreation, and politics & government.
Through the tour of Sentinel City, one school area was noted. It is unable to be determined if it is a private school or public school. There are school buses in the area that are most likely used to bring the children to and from the school. Although buses are available, it still remains possible that some parents may choose to drive their
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Through the tour of Sentinel City one campaign billboard was noted. It is not a campaign for one particular party. The billboards is an american flag that says “YOUR VOTE COUNTS”. Looking at the fact that there is only one billboard or sign in a city this size does not make me feel like the political machine has much interest in the city. Politics is an important topic in relation to health care. As stated by McDonough & Butler (2016) “our nation’s over-reliance on medical care to address human needs that could far more effectively and efficiently be addressed in preventive and non-medical ways by tackling the social determinants of health” (p.397). With topics like this, a densely populated area can have weight in the political community in starting discussions on public …show more content…
Some parts of city life are seen as positive attributes, and with the good, there are negative attributes as well. If I were to be considering purchasing a home in Sentinel City, I would first weigh the pros and cons of moving there. The diversity of the city is one thing I see as a positive factor, the different sections of the city present exposure to different cultural things like different people, food, and music. This diversity is a welcomed mix in life. The proximity of medical care to the city is another plus to moving into Sentinel City. It is comforting to know emergency care is only minutes away. This would also likely be my place of employment, so commuting to work would be very short and easy. The elevated rail system will fall in to both the positive and negative details in Sentinel City. Being near a public train system makes commuting affordable, and convenient. In contrast to what appears to be the good details of the city, there are also negative ones. The elevated train can prove to be disruptive, noisy, and polluting. Another down side to Sentinel City, is the lack of supermarkets within the city. There are bodegas throughout, but no larger options for food shopping. This lack of options is a potential health problem. According to Fiechtner et al, (2016), there is a correlation with fruit/vegetabel intake, weight status, and proximity to a supermarket. Lastly, the lack of bike lanes in
The boundaries of the windshield surveys consisted of the north to south areas located between The Gateway Park and 16th street, and west to east areas between 4th avenue and Arizona. This location is often referred to as “Historic Yuma” or “Old Yuma” and contains many historical buildings.
Industrial Heights’s majority of buildings were in disrepair. There were multiple abandoned vehicles on the streets. Trash cans were lit on fire for a source of heat for the large homeless population. There were many stray animals that were mainly witnessed around unkempt waste and trash. The trash was not in receptacles and often laid on the ground with no system in place to contain it. Casper Park District also had some buildings in disrepair. There stray animals present with improperly managed waste on the ground. A major complaint of residents in the affordable housing is factory smoke, 21% of complaints received reflect factory smoke and 18% reflect complaints of dog barking. Nightingale Square and Acer Tech have better quality buildings with a new green/eco-friendly apartment complex erupted in Nightingale Square. There are still witnessed stray animals and poor residential waste management in the entirety of Sentinel City. I did observe waste receptacles present but they looked like they were for commercial use
A community is defined as a group of people who live in the same area, where they interact with each other and share common interests, beliefs, needs, resources, and environment (Harkness, & DeMarco, 2016, p. 189). The windshield survey is a personal collection of observed data while walking or driving a car or using public transportation in the community. The purpose of this assignment is to complete a virtual experience of Sentinel City. During a tour, the primary focus will assess the core of Sentinel City community environment through windshield survey method, which identifies the community dynamics
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. (2006). Community Health Profiles: South Shore Staten Island. Retrieved from
Windshield survey is short and simple community assessment. They involve the collection of data that will help define the community, the trends, stability and changes that will affect the health of the community (Stanlope and Lancaster, 2014) Windshield survey is conducted by driving around the community assessing for its various characteristics such as boundaries, population, housing, environment, public and health services and many more. This paper will reflect on finding of community assessment performed through windshield survey that took place around neighborhood of Smith K Elementary School on Tuesday, 2/16/2016 at 1300.
It is critical when choosing a city to examine them from a educated stand-point. Choosing a place to live or retire also means understanding how to adapt to the weather conditions, or finding a practical location in the area of a good school, or safe community. No matter what the situation is, a critical checklist was developed by the World Health Organization to do so. It is described as “a tool for a city's self-assessment and map for charting progress (WHO,1). When making the decision to move to a new city it is crucial to understand the options as well as the city or towns stengths and weaknesses. The town in which I have become most familiar with is Fort Frances. I lived in Fort Frances for 12 years and have seen the strengths in the community as well as some recommendations that can be made. I will begin by discussing the strengths that Fort Frances
The community I have chosen for this paper is The South ward of Newark, New Jersey where the hospital which I work is located. Newark is an urban community consists of primarily of African American and Hispanic population. The South Ward of Newark and contains 17 public schools, five daycare centers, three branch libraries, one police precinct, and three fire houses (City of Newark New Jersey, 2013). The city’s property and violet crime levels tend to be higher than New Jersey’s average level (Newark, NJ Profile, 2013). Observation of this community through a window
Community health nurses have the responsibility of assessing the community he or she will be working in to provide the best care to the residents in the community and to gather this data the community health nurse completes a windshield survey (Nies & McEwen, 2015). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the findings from the windshield survey completed in Valdosta, Georgia.
As nurses we know medical professionals more than ever are responsible for treating large diverse populations. Understanding cultural differences in various populations is crucial to produce positive outcomes. Nurses have a major role in health care promotion. Nurses should be treating the patient as a whole in mind, body, and spirit. This should be included in community treatment too. Individual, family, environment, and community assessments are necessary to provide the care and improve health care outcomes in the community as a whole. The World Health Organization’ s (WHO) definition of community is “a group of
In Baltimore, Maryland the city deals with urban geography which is a branch of human geography concerned with various aspects of cities. According to, Baltimore is a typical “rust belt” city, filled with endless blocks of ghettos, boarded-up homes, and discarded human beings. Most of the families of fifth and sixth generations are of poverty, resulting in a destructive and a most wasteful lifestyle. According to urban geographers generally define the city as a concentration of people with a similar way of life based on job type, cultural preferences, political views and lifestyle. The public education system fails to offer inner-city youth a proper education. They are taught from their first “institution” what their roles are in American society.
The convenience of living in an urban or suburban neighborhood can be appealing to many people. Choosing between areas can sometimes be overwhelming for some individual. People are not only concerned about the safety of a community, but they are also concerned about the environment. Although some neighborhoods might look attractive, people should consider the expense that comes with it, and how commuting will affect them in the long run. Nevertheless, both neighborhoods have their specific advantages and disadvantages. When choosing between an urban or suburban neighborhood, it is important for people to research the community, the expense, and convenience
A community is a group of people who live in the same area, interact with each other, and share certain norms and values. A community is defined as a locality-based entity, composed of systems of formal organizations reflecting societal institutions, informal groups, and aggregates that are interdependent and whose function or expressed intent is to meet a wide variety of collective needs (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012).
Rear Window by Alfred Hitchcock starts out with the introduction of everyone who lives in an apartment complex in New York. Looking out of the main character Jeff’s window we see a newly married couple, a ballerina, a musician, a salesman with a bedridden wife, and a woman they call Ms. Lonely Hearts, pretending to be on a date. As Jeff battles with relationship problems with his girlfriend Lisa and being confined to a wheelchair he begins to observe out his window and watch the people in his apartment complex. During the night, a scream can be heard throughout the complex, and Jeff begins to become suspicious of the salesman who left at an unusual hour with his suitcase. Then, the viewer sees the salesmen, Mr. Thorwald, leaving with
Cities are generators of economic life and source of changes in the world. Thereby, Jane Jacobs in her book The Death and Life of Great American Cities puts into relief the role of cities on the social and economic levels, while denouncing the disastrous consequences of urban renewal programs. To that extent, in chapters 2 and 3, she discusses "The Uses of Sidewalks”, arguing that over all people need safety and trust in their city. Therefore, first she claims the necessity of keeping streets and sidewalks safe because they are the “vital organs” of cities (29). Secondly, she argues that the functioning of cities should be organized in order to foster human interaction in which “casual public
Where I live is one of the greatest neighborhoods in the city to live in; however it does have its draw backs. Importantly it has nearly everything a resident might want, beautiful picturesque scenery, proximity to shopping, and many of the cultural centers. Nevertheless the roads can be some of the most congested in town, and the streets are not safe to walk late at night.