Windshield Survey: Heber, Arizona
Jonathon E. Olmstead
Franklin Pierce University
Windshield Survey: Heber, Arizona
Assessing a community is an integral part of Community Health Nursing because it leads to an understanding of a community’s overall health status, including its strengths and weaknesses. In turn, the assessment findings can be used to influence positive change in the community and improve the population’s health. One strategy used to assess a population’s health needs is performing a windshield survey. A windshield survey is typically conducted from a moving vehicle and includes a systematic observation of the general community. This paper includes the findings of a windshield survey I completed of Heber, AZ as well as my overall impression of the survey, and personal biases that I need to consider. Heber is a small town located about three hours outside of Phoenix, AZ, in the White Mountains. With a population of only 2,822, the town’s economy relies heavily on tourism, retirement, and timbering (United States Census Bureau, 2017). The windshield survey was completed on a sunny and cool Friday around 2:30 in the afternoon while public schools were on Fall Break (Fall Break consists of one week off each year in October).
The people observed fell
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By doing so, I was able to eliminate some personal bias; however, I was limited to my observations only. Additionally, coming from a larger city, I think there was a level of culture shock (while very minute), which comes with an inherent bias when subjected to a new culture. I have visited similar towns though, so I think this unfamiliarity is not entirely new and therefore limits potentially skewed viewpoints in that regard. By speaking to the residents and getting their perspective and opinions on positive and negative aspects of the community, I could better assess potential
Prior to beginning this assignment, I realized I must first learn the purpose of a windshield survey, and how it is carried out. I learned to look at my surroundings differently. "Assignment Workshop portfolio Rubric and Nursing Objectives" (n.d.), discloses "A windshield survey is “a composite of subjective and objective data that help define a community, its trends, stability and changes that will affect the health of the population” (Preparation). It involves surveillance of an
A community is defined as a group of people who live in the same area, where they interact with each other and share common interests, beliefs, needs, resources, and environment (Harkness, & DeMarco, 2016, p. 189). The windshield survey is a personal collection of observed data while walking or driving a car or using public transportation in the community. The purpose of this assignment is to complete a virtual experience of Sentinel City. During a tour, the primary focus will assess the core of Sentinel City community environment through windshield survey method, which identifies the community dynamics
Trinity Community Hospital conducted a focused community health needs assessment centering on cancer, orthopedic and cardiovascular services. The information was obtained through a multitude of sources including: epidemiological surveys, focus groups, interviews with healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities’ planning guidelines.
Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2012). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (8th ed.). Maryland Heights, MO: Mosby Elsev
The town I chose to do my windshield survey on was Jamestown, NC, 27282. I chose Jamestown because this is where I grew up and this is where my grandparents live. Performing this windshield survey will allow me to observe all the things the town of Jamestown have to offer and to see what barriers may exist for a community health nurse trying to work with the residents of Jamestown. In my opinion a windshield observation is one of the most important tasks that a community nurse has to perform since this will allow them to know what is available for their patients.
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The community identified its priority health needs by doing Community Health Status Assessment(CHSA). The aim of this was to obtain feedback from residents regarding their health status, access to healthcare and their perception of community services. The study included residents of Atlantic County and surrounding areas in Camden and Cape May counties that are serviced by Atlantic County hospitals in2002. The first research component was a secondary data collection. This secondary data profile contained health and wellness statistics collected from New Jersey, the Department of Health and Senior Services NJDHSS, CDC, and U.S. Census Bureau data. The profile identified the health status of area residents compared to those in other parts of the state and the nation. The same data profile was used in the
Community health nurses have the responsibility of assessing the community he or she will be working in to provide the best care to the residents in the community and to gather this data the community health nurse completes a windshield survey (Nies & McEwen, 2015). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the findings from the windshield survey completed in Valdosta, Georgia.
As nurses we know medical professionals more than ever are responsible for treating large diverse populations. Understanding cultural differences in various populations is crucial to produce positive outcomes. Nurses have a major role in health care promotion. Nurses should be treating the patient as a whole in mind, body, and spirit. This should be included in community treatment too. Individual, family, environment, and community assessments are necessary to provide the care and improve health care outcomes in the community as a whole. The World Health Organization’ s (WHO) definition of community is “a group of
The Windshield Survey and aspects of the Community and Population Health Scavenger Hunt harvested reason to look beyond the surface of this picturesque town. Using the Windshield Survey as a method to see McKinney from a different perspective allowed time to make observations about the community that have been overlooked for years going through the motions of life. Some of the reflections made by using this survey include that the town is very well kept, shops and restaurants surround nice residential areas, and many people were out walking, running, or riding bicycles which supported why McKinney has the highest ranking for overall health in the state of Texas. Personal observations of the community in conjunction with visiting one of the eight local Fire/EMS stations and the local hospital allowed development and understanding of the Neighborhood/Community Safety Inventory. In addition to visiting the local fire department, the Community and Population Scavenger Hunt was also used when meeting with the local Emergency Management Director for Collin County and the Medical Director of Emergency Services for the local hospital. Although McKinney is unique in nature, it is not unique in the fact that disaster could strike the community at any time without warning, and may come in form of severe weather, pandemic, hazardous materials or terrorism. Information was
There are many stereotypes associated with people who live in the city and people who live in a small town. A lot of stereotypes lean towards people who grow up in a small town do not have the chance to receive a finer education, or everyone who lives in the city are rude and arrogant. On contrary to these stereotypes, people raised in a small town can receive an adequate education and not everyone who lives in the city is rude. Personally, when I transferred from a middle school with a 1000 students to a school who had roughly 300 students I noticed
In an effort to promote the health needs within a community, a successful community health nurse (CHN) must focus on the entire population. In order to accomplish this task, the CHN utilizes a scientific approach to determine the priority population focused health needs for the community. According to Nies & McEwen (2011), a population focus involving an assessment of the community is a primary tool utilized in order to develop planning, interventions, and evaluations for the community at large. The purpose of this paper is to determine a priority
Population health as a framework for examining health is not a new concept. Historically, epidemiologist have used this to formulate etiologies of disease by measuring variations within a population and the impact of environmental factors (Radzyminski, 2007). Governments have also applied this concept to the implementation of interventions geared at improving the health of nations (Radzyminski, 2007). Although the concept is not new, the term population health has only been recently defined and differentiated from the definitions of community health, public health, and population-focused care. This paper will discuss the current definition of population health, its impact on nursing practice, its relation to evidence-based practice, and the importance of interprofessional collaboration in the delivery of population health care.
A community is a group of people who live in the same area, interact with each other, and share certain norms and values. A community is defined as a locality-based entity, composed of systems of formal organizations reflecting societal institutions, informal groups, and aggregates that are interdependent and whose function or expressed intent is to meet a wide variety of collective needs (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2012).