
Winston And Julia In George Orwell's 1984

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In Orwell’s 1984, the actions of Winston and the government demonstrate the themes of the book. An illuminating moment of the story occurs when the opposing figures of the party, Julia and Winston find a lead to the resistance of the Inner Party, in a conversation with O’Brien showing that trust can easily be replaced with betrayal as a Winston begins to believe and pour his loyalty into O’brien’s double agent role. O’Brien’s responses and questions represent his personality and job as they are a double entendre, working for and against Winston and Julia. When O’Brien barrages Winston and Julia with questions that determine how far these individuals will go for the cause of overthrowing the party, O’Brien asks if “[They’re] prepared to give [their] lives”, and to “betray [their] country for foreign powers”. But when asked about Winston and Julia separating and never seeing each other again, Julia immediately replies no but Winston hesitates to answer. This hesitation shows Winston’s loyalty already given to the …show more content…

Winston described O’Brien’s tone and fluency “as though this were routine.” This describes O’Brien’s past interactions with people similar to Winston and Julia as they pursue to follow the Brotherhood which in reality was created by O’Brien to punish and capture citizens who wish down with Big Brother. This explains the final question that if Winston or Julia is caught, they’ll need to “give him a new identity” to a point that can be “[altered] people beyond recognition.” This foreshadows the outcome of trusting so deeply into someone, as Winston and Julia come out scarred from the Ministry of Love. The root cause of the downfall of Winston and Julia was due to the way information of the Brotherhood spreads and O’Brien’s structural design of the

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