Chris Bradley
ITT Technical Institute Information Systems Security student
November 23, 2010
Dr. French:
This report on “Wireless Network Security” is submitted in accordance with your assignment for November 23, 2010.
Chris Bradley
For this project, I asked the question “is wireless network protection truly safe?” My literature search led me to conclude that, if consumers use the most up-to-date and secure wireless network protection, they can connect to their wireless network and conduct business safely and confidently.
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Another helpful piece of advice that Vakil noted was, when using Internet browser windows, to check the address line to see if the “http” is replaced with “https” and to look for a small padlock in the status bar at the bottom of the browser window (Vakil, 2005). This will tell you if the web site you are accessing is secure. It is also recommended that a consumer use a personal firewall and the most up-to-date virus protection software (Breeding, 2005). Based on my research I concluded that if consumers use the most up-to-date and secure wireless network protection, they can connect to their wireless network and conduct business safely and confidently.
I would like to thank Dr. Vikki French for giving me the insight and instruction that I needed to complete this paper.
I would also like to thank my Parents, Duane and Donna Bradley, my Fiancé, Kris Mason, my son, CJ Bradley, and my daughter, Charity Hutchinson, for their unending support and understanding while I spent countless hours researching articles for and writing this paper.
Breeding, M. (2005). Implementing wireless networks without compromising security. Retrieved September 21,
2010, from http://web.ebscohost.com.proxy.itt-tech.edu/ehost/detail?vid=1&hid=111&sid=3a4ec339-2e52-4022-a35a-1d6dba815e6b%40sessionmgr111&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZSZzY29wZT1zaXRl#db=f5h&AN=16223798.
Vakil, F. (2005). Wireless networks and
The network level security will form the relationships of authentication, encryption and authorization for the wireless network and its connectivity between wireless clients to the internal network. Some recommendations are:
Users that have a wireless LAN should add security to ensure only intended users have access. Some safeguards include use of WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) encryption, IPsec, WPA (WiFi Protected Access), with a firewall or DMZ. A DMZ (demilitarized zone) is a physical or logical sub-network that separates the LAN from other entrusted networks
Wi-Fi Protected Access 2, the follow on security method to WPA for wireless networks that provides stronger data protection and network access control. It provides enterprise and consumer Wi-Fi users with a high level of assurance that only authorized users can access their wireless networks. Based on the IEEE 802.11i standard, WPA2 provides government grade security by implementing the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) FIPS 140-2 compliant AES encryption algorithm and 802.1x-based authentication.
I would like to thank the following peer reviewers for their excellent input on my essay.
The vulnerabilities of wireless networking may involve the attack of web browsers, on-line banking, DNS servers, and routers exchanging routing table updates, purchases, transactions or stolen personal data. The lack of security with a wireless system may result in denial of service, hijacking, fake impersonation, or eavesdropping for interception of messages through cyber-crimes. Each communicating user should select the language of cryptography, agree and share the symmetric key. The best security practices includes firewalls, intrusion detection systems, secured and updated applications, transport, configured properly working network, and link layers.
Presentation: The diction and syntax is clear, and the information presented is easily accessible to the audience. The piece is presented as a literature review and works well within the genre. Score: 4
I would like to thank the researchers who provided the information to help make this research possible and searchable. At Capella University, I owe so much to the mentors, the instructors and all of my wonderful cohorts that helped give feedback and offered personal assistance
To the peers of the researchers that gave courage and support in pursuing in making this research.
An unsecure WIFI network is the equivalent of an unlocked front door. You don’t leave your office unlocked over night therefore you shouldn’t leave your WIFI unlocked. Protect your WIFI with a strong password made up of the criteria described in tip number 1.
Although there are many threat of WLAN, you still can reduce those threats by applying some technology in your network. For example, you can use a Core Security Standard. It provides protection, which are confidentiality, authentication and message integrity, between the wireless access point and the wireless host. Furthermore, you also can use Wired equivalent privacy (WEP) security. In WEP, everyone shares the same access point, which requires the same key, and WEP’s key is not automated mechanism for changing. On the other hand, Wireless Protected Access (WPA) is also an option for you. WPA is developed by using the concept of Core security standard, so it could be used on older wireless access points and it is stronger than WEP. Finally, 802.11i is another solution for your concerns about the network security. 802.11i is considered as WAP2, and it uses extremely strong AES-CCMP encryption, which has 129-bits keys and a key management method for automatically changing keys. That’s all about the
Scenario - You are an Information Security engineer for a midsized company. The company would like to offer direct sales of its “WigIT” app to its consumers on the World Wide Web. Your manager has asked you to prepare an informational paper for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on wireless and mobile risk management. What risks do you envision and how will
In an effort to improve security, the Public Safety Wireless Networks (PSWN) program in coordination with the Department of Justice took action to create the Public Safety Communications Security Awareness Guide and focus on solutions to security issues. Therefore, this paper will provide a summary of wireless communications issues and address issues as various agencies cooperate, coordinate, and use interoperable digital technologies to meet public safety requirements. I aim first to discuss communications system security, identify vulnerabilities and address how critical physical, network, communications, and administrative security components operate to protect against intrusions. The final section will include PSWN program, federal, state, and local agencies proposed solutions to improve security
In this modern day and age of computing, networks are a huge part of IT. It is important now more than ever that data sent over any network, whether it be a LAN (Local Area Network) or WAN (Wide Area Network; The Internet) is kept safe, private (when required) and uninterrupted in
Protecting yourself is only effective if you know what you are protecting your against and how to protect. There are a couple ways to start getting you more protected. The first is installing the default operating system. This would have a default password, no security patches and no virus protection. The second thing you don't want to do is use simple and common passwords like for example, password. In the 10 immutable laws below, one of the laws is someone is always trying to guess your password so make sure it's unique. A third suggestion would be to keep as many ports that you don't need closed and a firewall can do this which is covered in the 3rd section on Security Technologies. Finally, make sure you don't click on any email that you don't recognize or looks suspicions. Many viruses get spread by opening emails or clicking on the link inside. This rule would help decrease the spread
In that the following devices includes WI-FI, Bluetooth, WiMAX, mobilesNetworks and latest LI-FI technology. This paper clears the idea of using this wireless network. A review of what is needed to build a generic wireless network is provided. We can alreadyknow about the wireless network and we can connect the computer by using this wireless network. The paper also advances some of the major security risks that wireless networks face. Various strategies that can be employed to mitigate these risks and safeguard the privacy and security of the network are given. A review of how wireless networks can be used in education and training is then given and it is demonstrated that the education field has benefited from the growth of wireless technology and the cost effectiveness of this technology