
Wisdom In Plato's Apology

Decent Essays

Ignorance isn’t something that someone inherits from the moment they are born. Humans do not enter the world with the wisdom to make the correct choices in life, but they do gain the ability to acquire wisdom through teaching, learning and learning from their mistakes. This lack of wisdom, this inherent ignorance is exactly why there has been a struggle since the beginning of man. According to Plato, this is the best thing for human life is wisdom. Plato's Socrates indicates that wisdom is the acknowledgement of ignorance. This statement may be hard to prove as true. In the Apology, Socrates says that "What is probable, gentlemen, is the fact that the god is wise and that his oracular response meant that human wisdom is worth little or …show more content…

In Plato's Apology, Socrates and his friend Chaerephon visit the oracle at Delphi. As the story goes, Chaerephon asks the oracle whether anyone is wiser than Socrates. The oracle's answer is that Socrates is the wisest person. Socrates reports that he is puzzled by this answer since so many other people in the community are well known for their extensive knowledge and wisdom, and yet Socrates claims that he lacks knowledge and wisdom. Socrates does an investigation to get to the bottom of this puzzle. He interrogates a series of politicians, poets, and craftsmen. As one would expect, Socrates' investigation reveals that those who claim to have knowledge either do not really know any of the things they claim to know, or else know far less than they proclaim to know. The most knowledgeable of the bunch, the craftsmen, know about their craft, but they claim to know things far beyond the scope of their expertise. Socrates, so we are told, neither suffers the vice of claiming to know things he does not know, nor the vice of claiming to have wisdom when he does not have wisdom. This statement goes back to the idea of wisely ignorant human beings because it goes to show how being so wise like the craft men can really help but backfire being to wise which can be interrupted as being …show more content…

Socrates look like he is overshadowing his own ignorance as some kind of "wisdom". Socrates actual quote indicates that he knew when others were ignorant, but merely thought they were knowledgeable. He simply never made the mistakes of either by overestimating his extremely limited knowledge of or really underestimating his actual knowledge. That made him a lifelong learner and wiser than those who thought they knew what they did not know. This goes back to the argument that Plato makes that taking a risk with your wisdom whether it’s ignorant or not is worth more than sitting there and basically looking stupid. In comparison of today’s culture would it make any sense the youth holds the majority of ignorance more than past generation I would bet to say that Plato would agree with this statement. Most of the youth are preoccupied by social media and electronic devices that they never have the time anymore to look up from their phone and hold a full conversation. The toxic combination of government lacking public education, extremely unprepared curriculum to unmotivated and unambitious student have produced a generation of young people ignorant of the fundamental parts of life. They have been taught to feel rather than think critically. It draws back to my point that when you think you know something that you do not know, you rest content

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