
Wolf Of Wall Street Greed Quotes

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Greed Many people in the world would do anything to attain wealth and power. As a result they become engulfed with an "intense and selfish desire for something" called greed that will change the way they act and treat others around them. An example of this can be seen in the movie "Wolf of Wall Street" , where the protagonist went from being a simple every day man with the desire to find success in life to a wealthy person filled with avarice and always wanting more after he found success as a stock-broker. The five time oscar nominated movie, directed by Martin Scorsese, encompasses the theme of greed by factors of the movie such as the camera angles, the music that was used in the scenes, symbolism, and charecter development as well as …show more content…

In the scene the camera does a close up as the FBI enters the building and then moves around the room to show the stock-brokers panicking. As the scene progresses the camera does close ups on the people that are being arrested to show how they are being treated like criminals, and they show the brokers curse at the officers and try resisting arrest because they don't want to go to jail. Towards the end of the scene the camara does a close up at Donnie's office where he doesn't get arrested but looks troubled as if he were to feel guilty for something. It turns out that Donnie incriminated everybody else in the company on stock fraud and money laundering to save himself from going to jail. The scene shows greed because Donnie only cares about himself instead of having a genuine concern for his colleagues going to …show more content…

This is supported at one of the crazy parties Jordan would throw at the office where the brokers have a game in which they throw midget sized people on a dart board as if they were darts. They use them as if they were material things rather than living human beings. This symbolizes how greed can cause some people to ignore the way they treat others as well as how greed can cause some people to put their personal enjoyment before other people's safety. Another time symbolism is used is in the scene where Jordan threw his gold watch in the air to the crowd of stock-brokers after making a speech on how he would choose to be a rich man over a poor man every time. Once he threw the forty thousand dollar watch to the crowd of stock-brokers they started fighting with each other to see who will get to keep it. The person that caught it was yelling, "Get the fuck off of me", to the others trying to keep a hold of the expensive time piece. This symbolizes greed because the watch is a symbol of wealth and power that people would fight over to

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