
Women During Ancient Roman Society

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One of the oldest beverages known to man is wine, an alcoholic drink made from fermented grapes. Wine has been enjoyed all around the world and Ancient Rome is no exception. Ancient Rome played an important role in its history. Wine carried religious, philosophical, and social implications for the Romans as it was a part of their daily life. The popularity of wine and drunkenness in Ancient Rome is clearly portrayed throughout poetry, art, literature and even laws. Although wine was eventually available to all, it’s implications for women were severe. An important connection between Ancient Rome and wine that is rarely discussed is the idea of denying women a right to drink. Today, it is not uncommon or distasteful for women to have a glass of wine but in Roman society, women’s overindulgence of wine was frowned upon. This paper will discuss women in Ancient Roman society and analyze sources from Valerius Maximus and Propertius to focus on how the role of wine reinforced the patriarchal system and oppression of women.
To understand Roman views for women drinking we must understand women’s role in Roman society, better yet, their position in society. Women were dominated by the males in their life; their fathers, their relatives, and their husbands. Women had no identity of their own besides being a daughter, and a wife. Their fathers had absolute control over their lives and women were completely dominated that the Fathers could sell them into slavery or force them into

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