
Women During The Greek Period

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Women during The Greek Period and Now Art and sculptures have been created since the beginning of mankind in order to express themselves and demonstrate human potential. From simple carvings on a rock walls to magnificent works of art, such as the sixteenth chapel, art has continued to progress throughout time and it continues to progresses even further. There are many different types of art to depict different things the artist wants to transfer to his viewers if not created for himself. Since works of art are made to express aspects within life, it creates symbolics meanings the vary on the message the artist wants to give out. Besides symbolic meanings, a work of art can notify the viewer of the history during the time period it was created, roles within society, the way people lived during the time it was made, how society functioned, what they believed in, and many more things about life that are uncountable. Women were among one of the things artist painted and sculpted about. They did this and continue to do this in order to show what women meant to people during that time. Comparing an old painting with a contemporary painting we can see how some aspects, techniques, and styles within the art have changed and how women 's roles have become different in society over the course of time. We can also see what artistic aspects, techniques, and style have remained the same, and what we can see what has remained the same about women today. We can view this when we

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