
Women In 1001 Arabian Nights

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The Presentation of Women in 1001 Arabian Nights 1001 Arabian Nights, also commonly referred to as The Arabian Nights, is a collection of tales from the Middle East that were told orally over the course of many centuries before being recorded. The Arabian Nights contained stories about many subjects, among them being love, magic, and wealth. One of the most interesting prospects of the collection is the role that women play in them. In the today’s world, women are portrayed differently all over the globe. In the tales, the presentations of these women vary greatly. There is a direct link to the ladies in The Arabian Nights and what a culture expects a woman to be like. Three common characteristics of a woman character in 1001 Arabian Nights are their deceitfulness, atrocity, and inferiority. …show more content…

Upon becoming king of a prosperous land, he marries his enchantress cousin, but later finds out that she does not love him. When he critically injures her favorite slave, she becomes furious with him and transforms him into marble from the waist down. The Sultan finds him, and, after listening to his story, the two of them plot revenge on the witch. The next morning, the Sultan disposes of the slave and disguises himself as him, requesting that the enchantress cease the abuse she inflicts on her husband. After doing so, she is killed by the Sultan. The moral of this story is that one should be careful who they place their trust into, as not everyone is who they say they are. Some themes and elements present in “The Young King of the Black Isles” are justice, power, and disloyalty. The young man receives justice and escapes her wrath when the Sultan helps to free him of his wife by stripping her of her life. The issue of disloyalty in the tale suggests that Arabians view betrayal as a massive crime, going so far as to threaten death upon those who commit

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