
Women In A Tree Grows In Brooklyn

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Women are very strong and passionate. As Beyonce once said, “Who run the world? Girls!” Her statement is truer today, women drive the foundation of economics, business, government, etc. In the early 1900’s, women were sent to the kitchen and the washrooms to slave over the male figurehead. Betty Smith used A Tree Grows in Brooklyn to beat down the sexual stereotypes of the time. The male leads in the novel were portrayed upon as weak and ignorant. Francie, Katie, and Sissy were all forceful characters that steered the direction of the book. Throughout our reading of Books One, Two and Three of the novel, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, the author, Betty Smith, is admired for her portrayal of strong female characters, who overcome challenging situations …show more content…

One day, Francie and Neely spotted a tricycle on the street and became obsessed with it, Sissy decided to ‘borrow’ the bike and take the children on a joy ride. The owner of the tricycle called the police and accused Sissy of stealing, which she was. The police officer sided with Sissy’s claim of just “wanting to have a little fun” because she was acting flirtatiously with him. Another instance of when Sissy was trying to help her niece or nephew was when Francie was complaining about unfair treatment by her teacher in school. Sissy marched down to the classroom and had a conversation with Miss Briggs. She said to Miss Briggs, “There’s a little girl named Francie Nolan in your room… I happen to be her mother… Did it ever occur to you that Francie’s got a kidney problem? The doctor said that if she wants to go and some people don’t let her go, she’s liable to drop right down dead from overloaded kidneys. How would you like her drop dead right in your room? And how would you like to get a ride to the station house in the pie wagon and stand up in front of this here door and the judge and say you wouldn’t let her leave the room? See that cop? That’s my husband” (p. 157). No matter how absurd the claim was, Sissy was always willing to help out. Even though Sissy was lying, she had good intentions and a sweet heart. Lastly, Sissy had always wanted to have a baby but constantly had pregnancy complications. She found out that a woman named Lucia was being mistreated because her family did not want her to go through with having a child. Sissy happily agreed to take the child after it was born. Even though the situation was crazy for the time period, Sissy was aggressive and got what she had always wanted. Sissy teaches the reader to be confident and forceful than good things will

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