
Women In The Great Gatsby

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The third ad being analyzed is also shown in the magazine ‘Glamour’. The ad demonstrates four women, all thin, beautiful, flawless, and dressed to the nines. The ad is promoting a salon for women called “European Wax Center”. The ad captions “Put gorgeous skin on your holiday list”. The ad is telling its viewers that looking gorgeous should be your top priority because of the many interactions one has during the holidays, in this case Christmas. Having flawless skin, shiny hair, no wrinkles, no blemishes and other related beauty standards have a direct link to having positive life expectations (Ingram, Robertson, Thomas, Thyne, 2016). Media defines femininity as looking artificial, the media tells women that they should spend great amount of …show more content…

I hope she'll be a fool… that’s the best things a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” This is being referenced because this is relatable to what the media today tells women in many societies. The media emphasizes that women are only valued for their looks or their ability to become a trophy wife. People should not want to be concerned with how intelligent women are because that is not important. Women aren’t supposed to be rated on their intelligence but their femininity. At the end of the day smart women are not as valuable as beautiful women because they are breaking gender roles. When the media informs viewers that women are born only to look good they are representing patriarchal values. In which the society gives more importance to men and excludes women. It is hard for women to not internalize such harsh beauty standards society has put on women because it is everywhere. The media is responsible for the ideal stereotypical representations of women's it has created but this can be changed. Women can break out of these culturally marginalized depictions of women by doing what they do best and I believe that is by being intelligent and independent. Maybe one day our society will not be as shallow as it is today and gives equal importance and respect to every human in the world, regardless what gender they conform

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