
Women In The Workforce History Essay

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History of Women in the Workforce
Women who are working now have several more rights than women in history. Although women today still do not have all of the same rights as men do, the problem is on a different and lesser scale. Throughout the history of women’s rights there have been three major waves of feminism. All of these waves were centered on getting equal rights for both men and women. Women have made large leaps in wanting social, economic, and political power.
Women have always been wanting to increase their amount of rights in life and in the workforce. Women were also given ceremonious rights to other areas of life such as suffrage. People often overlook all of the struggles that women had to gain power politically, socially, and economically. We often take all of their work for granted.
Although we have many more rights, we are still not always treated equally to men. We are seen as the less dominant sex, and are viewed (as a whole) as being weak but temperamental. This view of us needs to be put to rest. Men, and women too, need to know that all people are created equally and should be treated in the same way. Women who are involved in the workforce have always had different …show more content…

She wrote a book that shaped the way that people thought about women and their rights for working. A Vindication of the Rights of Woman is the book that she wrote, and when it was first published, and shown to the public, it was very well received. People began to realize that it was not that women were not intelligent, but was instead due to the lack of education and teaching rights given to females at that time. The government wanted to hold the people back so that they could continue to have much power and standing above the people. This did not last long as the citizens began to realize that their rights were being oppressed, and they started to fight

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