
Women Vs Roman Women Essay

Decent Essays

This is your Pastor, it is wise that we should, believe in our hearts that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to save our soul. We shall receive grace for being obedient. There are peace in the name of Jesus Christ, my beloved, brothers and sisters,I thank God for all of you who believed in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I pray for you all at all times. I pray that I may have a prosperous journey to come to you all. That you all may impart some spiritual gifts from the Lord Jesus Christ. It is important that we all be on one accord, with the partake of the spirit of God, become upon us. My prayers is that all brothers and sisters, come into the knowledge of Christ. The world are becoming lovers of their own flesh. Men are becoming in relationship with another men. Women are becoming into relationship with another women (Romans 1:26-27). It is abomination to give into all sorts of vile affections. …show more content…

There may be some equal sexual behavior (Smith, 1997). Children of today are turning against their parent, in which they do not obey their parents rules. My dear brothers and sisters please be wise not to entertain such acts. Thus it is not pleasing in the sight of God. Thus, God is righteous and is a loving God. Yet, He will give us up to a reprobate mind, if we do not obey Him. Romans 1:28-31) in Paul’s letter tells us how the Romans had become. Paul has given his demonstration to the church of the evil and unrighteous lifestyle the Gentile had become accustomed too. Thus, in today’s time men and women has become evil and sinful as those in the 1st

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