
Women 's Rights For Women

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Women have come a long way since society suppressed and undermined the rights for women to obtain a job and education. It was not until the 1920s that women had the right to vote, and it was not until later that women had the opportunity of employment and earn equal pay as men. The battle that women have faced and are still facing today has allowed them to obtain an education and acquire careers alongside men. Although granted these opportunities, women still face problems and are underrepresented in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields currently. According to U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics (2011), only 34% of women are employed as physicians and surgeons and 14% are architects and engineers. However, …show more content…

Although it is assumed that it would be males to be bias to Jennifer, it was not only males. Both male and female evaluators that rated Jennifer lower than John and offered her lower pay at about 12% less in comparison to John. The researches did not purposefully try to discriminate Jennifer, but subconsciously gave John better reviews and offered him higher pay (Sive, 2012). Implicit bias plays a major part in a women’s career especially in STEM fields. As learned in my psychology class, since our brain and body are wired to conserve as much energy as possible, we use schemas to organize and information and simplify intricacies that we come across. “Schemas guide our attention to relevant information and help us interpret meaning based on our previous experiences” (Hobbs, 2016, PPT slide 42). On that note, when we think about doctors or surgeons, or any STEM position, we are quick to think of male surgeons and physicians. So when we think back to the experiment done by Yale University, it makes sense that those professors would subconsciously favor the male candidate. There is a schema carried amongst STEM professions that women are ill equipped in comparison to men when it comes to education and job opportunities. Schemas are also known to be precursors to stereotypes and prejudices which similarly have an effect on women’s participation in STEM fields. Stereotypes and stereotype threats have made it difficult for

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