She knew she had made a mistake as she lay on the examination table crying out loud for the baby she had just lost. There was no going back now, she’ll never be able to hold her child and all she could do is cry. She has lost her baby forever and now how to force herself to move on, regretting her initial decision of the abortion and causing self-hatred upon herself. Surprisingly, this is a very common scenario that many women experience after having an abortion. On average, over one million abortions are performed worldwide on a yearly basis by mothers seeking to the termination of pregnancy. Women choose abortions as an option for various reasons, ranging from being a victim of rape to not being able to care for a child. Pro-life activist …show more content…
In the 1970s--strictly 1973-- abortions during any term were considered illegal, accounting for numerous problems arising from secondary options of abortions. Women of poor financial statuses would conduct their own abortions or depend on incompetent practitioner to perform their abortions. Typically, self-abortions would include women inserting dangerous items into the uterus, vaginally, or douching with dangerous chemicals (“History of Abortions”). As a result of self-abortion, the casualty rate of women increased dramatically, as well as, the rate of infertility. On the other hand, women of a higher financial status and wealth depended on physicians who have more credentials. Before the legalization of abortions, many physicians and practitioners risked it all to provide for the women in need of an abortion (“History of Abortions”). Both the physician and the women would suffer harsh consequences if they are caught; including the physician losing his licenses to practice in the medical field. Although all abortions at this time were illegal, procedures done by medical professionals turned out to be safer than the self-abortions being done by others. Compared to abortions done by the women themselves, or their incompetent practitioner, abortions done by medical professionals proved to save more
Pro-choice people are all about choices the more the merrier but in the end of the decision we want the choice to be made by the mother and no one else. Pro-life people talks all about life and only life but are they really for life when that also agree that rape, victim of incest and if a woman’s life was at risk abortion is doable. Not to mention not all pro-life feels the same way even when they’re on the same side. Yes pro-life do think more about the viable fetus rights other than the mothers but that does not mean pro-choice does not think about the viable fetus at all. Pro-choice wants the child to be welcomed into warm opened arms instead of a hard brutal world depending on the mother’s situation. Such as if the mother had no one to turn to and was out in the street and could barely provide for herself.
Thomson brings up the standard anti-abortion argument. Every person has a right to life. A fetus is a person. Which means a fetus has a right to life. Therefore abortion is wrong. Thomson does not understand the jump from a fetus having a right to life to abortion being wrong. She believes that the fetus being a person or not is irrelevant to the argument. And abortion is based more on the rights of the woman, fetus, and who has more of the right of ownership of the woman’s body (Thomson 47-48).
The purpose of this essay is to set out an argument that abortion is wrong. Some claim that only in “rare” instances, such as rape or within a few days of contraception, abortion is acceptable. I will agree that there are certain circumstances that abortion is more “acceptable” than other times, albeit however few and far between these instances arise. Instances that make abortion more “okay” are rape, and once it is discovered that the mother's life is in danger if she were to carry the baby the full term of the pregnancy. The basis for my argument comes from reading two opposing essays on abortion , in regards to whether it is “right” or wrong, “A defense of Abortion” by Judith
Abortion is one the most controversial topics in the United States. The issue at hand is should abortion be legal or not. It is highly debated with in both media and politics. According to History Channel, “Supreme Court legalizes abortion”, in 1973 the U.S. Supreme Court Case Roe V. Wade ruled that women have the constitutional right to privacy, thus legalizing abortion. This law gave women the right to terminate a pregnancy during the first two trimesters. This sparked huge controversy between pro-life and pro-choice believers. Both pro-life and pro-choice have numerous arguments to justify their opinions. In a report done by WebMD, “Abortion-Reasons Women Choose Abortion,” nine out of ten abortions are performed within the first twelve weeks. Abortion should be legal because it is a women’s constitutional right, mental and physical health, and other.
In her article, A Defense of Abortion, American moral philosopher and metaphysician Judith Jarvis Thomson uses analogies to explain scenarios in which abortion is morally permissible, even when the fetus is granted personhood at conception. She addresses the argument that every person has a right to life, the fetus is a person, and therefore the fetus has a right to life; and the mother has a right to choose what happens with her body, but the mother’s right to decide what happens is not as strong as a person’s right to life and therefore, abortion is morally impermissible. She believes this to be incorrect based on the definition of the right to life-which she defines as the right
Societies frequently regard the term “good” as whatever is pleasurable or moral and “bad” as whatever causes unpleasant outcomes. Therefore it makes sense that we should seek out the good in life and avoid the bad. In cases of abortion, though, where a potential life is considered “bad”, is it justified to remove it? Life is viewed as the highest intrinsic good, thus any act of deliberately taking it away becomes a serious moral issue. Pro-life arguments, or arguments opposing abortion, claim that each human has a right to life, a person is a human at the moment of conception, and each human possesses the obligation to protect human lives. Pro-choice arguments, or arguments supporting abortion, argue that a child’s life begins at birth, a woman has the leading right over her body, and abortion promotes autonomy. I will attempt to refute the leading pro-choice arguments while holding my claim that abortion to end a life is always immoral because it is an act of murder.
American suffragist Elizabeth Cady Stanton once said, “When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to be disposed of as we see fit” (Jenson). The pro-life vs. pro-choice abortion debate has always been a controversial topic in politics as well as the field of women’s health care. Many on the pro-choice side of the issue cite a woman’s right to make decisions for her own body as justification to continue the practice of abortion. The pro-life argument is that a woman and her child are separate entities and should be treated as such. Although legally and socially accepted in the United States, abortion asserts that a mother’s right to terminate
One of the most controversial topics in America is abortion. In medical terms, “an abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus” (Medicine Net). All around the world, the practice of abortions has been widely used to control a woman’s reproduction. The polarizing, emotional debate on abortion has been an ongoing issue that still exists today. People’s different perspectives and opinion on whether or not abortion is immoral continue to divide America into two groups: “Pro-choice” and “Pro-life”. However, pro-life advocates tend to focus more on the fetus rather than how abortion and programs have actually benefited the mother and families. There is hypocrisy in people who identify themselves as “pro-life” and the word itself can be misleading as it does not align with the true values of protecting a life.
After reading the article, “Why It’s Become So Hard to Get an Abortion”, by Margaret Talbot, I am caught in the middle of pro-choice and pro-life. Talbot provides the reader with an even amount of examples explaining the beliefs of each stance. Being raised as a Catholic, my church has always preached to bring an end to abortion. Although, being a young female, I also feel we should have the choice. I think there is a way to respect personal beliefs and religion, while still being in charge of your body. This being said, I don’t agree with the act of taking the life of an innocent human without it being a medical necessity. This brings up another contrasting point, I believe that if the woman seeking the abortion doesn’t have the means to raise
al 2015). Previous to the implementation of HB2, during an average year, between 100,000 and 240,000 women tried to self-induce abortion in Texas (Grossman et. al 2015). This statistic was only expected to increase after the lower court upheld HB2, as conditions were predicted to be similar to “conditions previous to Roe: only the richest and well off women [would] be able to travel and access safe abortions and everyone else [would] have no options—will likely turn to try and abort the baby on their own” (Colorlines 2016). It is imperative that this never happened as some of the dangers of self-induced abortions include medication that poses as an “abortion pill,” that is poison and can cause severe damage to the women, as well as the most infamous method of the “coat hanger abortion,” which often times lead to septic shock (Abortion Clinics). The mortality rate for women that go into shock after attempting to self-induce abortion, can be as high as forty percent (Saultes et. al 2009). Overwhelmingly, these undeniable facts lead to the conclusion that the lower court’s decision is completely unjust as many women were in danger of physical suffering, or even
Abortion is a serious topic that people have been debating about for years. Everywhere you turn the topic of abortion presents itself, on TV, in the newspapers, in books and magazines. It already has, and will continue to cause, controversy for years to come. As long as abortion remains legal, pro-life advocates will continue to protest what they believe to be these horrible acts of murder.
The right to life is the most basic and important right that we have. In the past two hundred years, over one million Americans have died for their country. Monuments have been built and speeches have been delivered, honoring these American heroes. America is now engaged in a war where there are no heroes, no monuments or tributes - only victims. Our society has declared war on its most helpless members - our unborn children. Since that war was declared on January 22, 1973, there have been over 35 million deaths.
Does a women’s right to choose to have an abortion outweigh a baby’s right to be born? The controversy at hand is whether the rights of a women outweigh the rights of a baby, and whether a mother should be given the rights to pursue a procedure like an abortion. To clarify an abortion is a medical procedure that ends a pregnancy in which a doctor uses a vacuum and suction to suck out a fetus from the uterus. The issue is whether the fetus who has the potential to be a rational, productive human being has the unequivocal rights of any other human being and whether he or she should be protected from, in every sense of the word, murder. The argument made by a nonprofit Christian pro-life education organization, is that
Jeremiah 1:5 says, ”Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nation's.” Abortion is a very sensitive topic to talk about. Most people are uncomfortable talking about abortion. Some people are against abortion and some are with abortion. In my opinion, I do not agree with abortion. There are many questions asked from both opposing sides when you talk about abortion. Some people ask when human life begins and when life becomes valuable. In these next paragraphs there will be arguments from both the pro abortion and against abortion.
Abortion is one of the most common surgical procedure in the world. An abortion, it’s a legal procedure and safe way to end an unwanted pregnancy. This debate has intensified over the years and has brought a forth issues and discrepancies between Federal government and Texas state government. There are two sides, pro-choicers, they advocate for the right of a woman to have the option of knowing what is better for their lives and have the chance to decide whether they want their baby or not and pro-life groups. They consider that the fetus is an individual who has the right to life. Currently, our new president Donald Trump declared himself to be a pro-life president. He also wants to cut funds to programs which help families, this appear to be a contradiction. In the meantime, women are the one