
Women's Power In The Color Purple

Decent Essays

The novel The Color Purple teaches the reader a great deal of lessons within its 295 Walker,s.The novel gives a lot of power to the male characters. The men hold a lot of power of the women making them powerless against the males. Therefore making the men feel superior and almighty like God one could say. This causes the males to abuse their power by being entitled, influencing, and abusing the female characters.

All throughout the novel the male characters have a good deal of influence over the women’s actions by changing their opinions on themselves. They make the females look down upon themselves regularly. Alfonso and Albert (Celie’s husband) often demean Celie’s character making her feel discouraged about herself and her character. …show more content…

“Harpo, she [Kate, Mr.__’s sister] say. Harpo the oldest boy. Harpo, don’t let Celie be the one bring in all the water. You a big boy now. Time for you to help out some. Women work, he say. What? she say. Women work. I’m a man. You’re a trifling nigger, she say. You git that bucket and bring it back full. He cut his eye at me. Stumble out. I hear him mutter somethin to Mr.________ sitting on the porch. Mr.___________ call his sister. She stay out on the porch talking a little while, then she come back in, shaking. Got to go, Celie, she say. She so mad tears be flying every which way while she pack. (Walker, 22). This quote shows how Harpo and Mr.___/Albert treat women, with no respect. Essentially Albert and Harpo believe that the women in their family should serve them and should obey to their commands because they are men. They treat women as if they were their slaves always commanding them to do things. Harpo abused his privilege as a male to get his aunt in trouble with his father, making his aunt fearful of them. As a result the men feel as though they can do anything without any consequences because they feel they are entitled to things in life because of their …show more content…

He tries to emotionally damage her by abusing her sexualy and physically, to make her more subordinate. Later on in the novel Celie feels defeated and lets Albert do the same exact thing to her, except now she is not putting up a fight. This shows how severely the males have altered the women. There is endless abuse going on in the novel, most of the women in the novel feel more than one type of abuse. The males do so many horrible things to the women that they eventually give up on fighting back and just do anything the males tell them to

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