
Women's Rights Answers

Satisfactory Essays

A. Readings
1. Page 830-Richard M. Nixon, Vietnamization questions 1-3.



2. Pages 836-837- American Voices-Three Views on Women’s Rights...ALL parts of 1-2 in detail.
1- NOW described it as an equal sharing of the responsibilities of the home. Therefore the wife is no longer solely cleaning the house and the man is not the only who brings home money. Redstockings Manifesto said that it is men who use marriage to oppress women and essentially make them slaves. Confining them to the home, and saying that the home is the women’s world. Phyllis Schafly said that marriage is what makes women “have the most rights and rewards and the fewest duties”. She also argues women liberation groups do not speak for the majority and want to take away their “rights”. Saying that home is the women’s world and women would rather take care of the kids than go to work.
2- They wanted to address the public in order to change or keep their ideals. They exploited the myths and proved them wrong in their argument.

3. Page 838-Thinking Historically questions 1-2.
1- Like …show more content…

Page 847 - American Voices - Gerald Ford 1-2.
1- The fact that he was not elected by the people because of Spiro Agnew’s resignation.
2-Because he wanted to heal the wounds Watergate had caused. He also promised to be completely honest with public something they felt like no longer felt could be found in government officials.

5. Page 850- “Crisis of Confidence” 1-3.



B. Videos
1. Page 845 -Richard NIxon, “I am not a crook.” Watch the video and explain whether you agree or disagree with his statement (about his character) using at least 3 facts to support your argument.

I disagree with his statement because he did benefit from CREEP before they were caught. They would cancel rallies for their opponents and play other dirty to make Nixon more popular. He also played a huge role in the cover-up of the Watergate break in. He then ignored the subpoenas the Oval Office tapes he secretly

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