I remember in the 10th grade when my English teacher had us do a class poll. He told us to raise your hand if you believed that woman's in today's world are treated fairly. I was the only student to not raise her hand. Because I knew that woman in America might have a lot of rights but in the rest of the world women are treated as Second class citizens. The 19th amendment states “guarantees all American women the right to vote”. Most countries allow women to vote but I think it's sad that it took so long for many of these countries to give women a right that they deserve. Vatican City the home of the pope is the only place a women can not vote. This brings up the fact that religion is the main reason why women do not have many of the rights …show more content…
In many Muslim countries, mosque prohibits women voting in many board elections. Even in some Jewish communities women are not allowed to be elected for certain position of authority. I believe the fact that America allows anyone to believe in any type of religion is the reason why America is the one of best with making women's equal. Even though in America woman's do not get paid the same amount of money that a man can get for doing the same job and that certain politicians believe that they know what is best for the woman's body. This is still one out of a few countries where a woman can wear whatever she want and can express herself the way she want. I can drive a car, I can walk outside without needing to be with a man, I can marry who I want when I want and I can have any job I like. These are rights that every woman should have but just because of the fact that we are woman should not let us have any exclusion to God given rights. When we have countries in the world, where a little girl can get raped by her own country military officials and then stoned to death for speaking out about rape. America is great because people will listen to a little girl cry and do everything it can to make sure the predator get it
All of you here have heard and read the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence. The line that resonates with most people is “that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. America was founded on this principle, and many argue that this idea still stands today. However, if one were to look at the treatment of women in the United States over the course of time, one could conclude that not everyone residing in America is fortunate enough to have the same opportunities economically, at home, and even in regards to their own body.
According to Jane Addams in her essay titled “Why Women Should Vote?”, Addams stated that “A woman's simplest duty, one would say, is to keep her house clean and wholesome and to feed her children properly.” From the dawn of time, society’s expectations of women have revolved around a woman’s ability to care for her husband and children. They were expected to be ‘seen and not heard’. While this treatment of women is seen to be mediocre today, women continue to suffer from oppression around the globe; however, their treatment fluctuates when comparing countries to one another. Evolving and adapting to the melting pot of different cul-tures, women’s rights in the United States of America is far better than the rights of women in Afghanistan and
I am from a country where women do not have as many freedoms as the women in America do. There women are still expected to marry and become housewives they are often discouraged to further their education. I can see how this
Protests are still an essential part of America’s democracy today. Though times have changed a lot America still has many social issues. Most of these issues have to do with minorities. People are starting to realize how unfairly they are being treated and they want to do something about it. One of the more recent large protests was the women’s march that was held the day before Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremony. These women followed in the footsteps of the women in 1913 who were marching for their right to vote, civil rights, and economic equality. The large march widley known as the women’s march that was held January 21, 2017 was not only to bring awareness to issues such as gender inequality but it called for protection for immigrants,
Every American girl has the opportunity and ability to become someone successful in our ever-growing society here in America. As they grow older, young ladies have dreams of becoming a doctor, astronaut, or even President racing through their minds. Especially now, girls can vision becoming anything, whether it be a construction worker or head CEO of a company, the opportunities are endless. Women in America are now set at ease with laws that protect their rights from being violated and discriminated against just for being female. Unfortunately not every place in the world is as lucky as the women here in the US. The rights of Muslim women in the Middle East are despicably being violated in many different ways. Many people foolishly argue
Like the right to vote or to be able to choose their husbands. In other countries they still have not given females the rights to do anything. Females have no rights of their own
Women’s rights has been an intense topic of debate for centuries in many different cultures around the world. While many first world countries have made great strides of improvement in the area, like America’s 19th amendment allowing women to vote in 1920, or England’s National Union of Women’s Suffrage Society formed in 1897, developing countries in the Middle East and North African region continue to struggle with the issue. Not only do women in MENA regions have to contend with extreme social prejudices and constant harassment, they also are treated as second class citizens in the eyes of the law. Life in countries like Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, and Pakistan are heavily centered around Islamic principles and the Shari’a Law, a law which
“It is past time for women to take their rightful place, side by side with men, in the rooms where the fates of peoples, where children’s and grandchildren’s fates, are decided.” (Clinton) Hillary Clinton has been a driving force in the continuous fight for women’s rights. She leads by example, she became the first women to run for president, holding the seat for speaker of the house. Mrs. Clinton speaks out for women on freedom of choice, education, fair wages, and many more past, current, and future issues. For over 170 years women have been suppressed by men and the laws in which they created. Women have continually and successfully battled for the rights they deserve including equal opportunities in politics,
I live in a country that strongly believes in democracy. Having a say in representation is something a lot of American’s take for granted. Watching the news and seeing events of other countries being attacked because of the government is gruesome and frightening. Other continents and countries across the globe do not let their women have a say in not just government, but their own life. Women in America have not always had fair opportunities and some may say they still don’t, but I am glad to have my rights established for me under the amendments of the constitution. Females are now citizens, and have every right a man has. Equal pay has not yet been established for women in every
Furthermore, women should be able to speak out and voice their perspectives in the middle east. In countries such as Saudi Arabia women are treated so inhumanely and terribly, they are treated as slaves. They have no authority to speak out or sight their ideas or opinions. This is ridiculous because women are intelligent and incredible beings who have can bring forth amazing ideas and thoughts. People in such countries consider women as weak, stupid objects who can be played around according to someone else 's wimps. These people don 't understand the potential a women has and continually put them down and make fun of them or even punish them when they try to say their ideas. But the worst part is due to decades of being treated as nothing, women too believe and accept that they are worthless. Women have been poisoned with this propaganda, to believe that they need to depend on and obey to men just to live, even if it 's their own son, that they criticise and punish anyone who speaks against it. We can 't let this keep on happening, we are the antidote to solve this issue that is taking over half the world. You have a job just
What stands in the way of women being equal to men? Journalist Carlin Flora suggests the following, “While not all claims to humanity are universal and no one context, culture or continent can truly represent all peoples, the following three examples from very different contexts, cultures and continents show that some violations of women’s human rights are universal. In particular, it is still the case the world over that a woman’s reproductive rights, which impact on her right to life, are still seen as secondary or conflicting with men’s rights, religious freedoms, the rights of the unborn child, or even financial concerns”(Flora). However different we may appear, there is far more that unites us than divides us. Today, no country has yet achieved equality between men and women. Globally, women have fewer opportunities for economic participation than men, less access to basic and higher education, greater health and safety risk, and less political representation. Women’s rights need to be considered human rights.
Americans consider themselves to be forward thinking. Most people in this country believe we have achieved the ultimate freedom and equality. Few are willing to talk about any sort of inequality and therefor the issues go on unsolved and ignored. To many, it is inconceivable that in the year 2016, that people would still be talking about gender equality. Despite all that has happened of the last 153 years we have made wonderful advances, and yes circumstances have vastly improved but true equality has not yet been achieved. Unfortunately, there are many people who do not believe in inequality, especially when it comes to women’s rights and equality. The sad truth is that women are still seen as subordinate to men. They are payed less for the same jobs, they continue to experience objectification and commodification in all aspects of life, and suffer endless amounts of sexual harassment and violence.
As formerly stated, women’s rights across the world are slowly increasing while they remain the same or even worse in some parts of the world. In America, women can vote, be a part of Congress, choose whatever career they want to study, live wherever they please, marry whoever they love, and much more. In Europe, gender equality is one of the core values in their initial founding treaties, and
I am from Britain and think it is right that as a woman I am paid the same as my male counterparts. I think it is right that I should be able to make decisions about my own body. I think it is right that women be involved on my behalf in the policies and decision-making of my country. I think it is right that socially I am afforded the same respect as men. But sadly I can say that there is no one country in the world where all women can expect to receive these rights.
Everyone should have equal rights, not just in America, but all over the world. Everyone is equal no matter race, sex, or religion. Recently in our world today, topics like inequality and discrimination are brought up a lot. However, people in other countries are not treated equally because of things like race, sex, and religion. In places like Pakistan, girls are being murdered by their own families. There are kids in Pakistan and Afghanistan being deprived of education, and human rights in general. In the article “Afghanistan: Girls struggle for an education” young girls of Afghanistan are being deprived of their right to an education because they are scared to go to school. Also, there are women being tortured and murdered because of their sex. What is going on today is the similar to the Holocaust. The Holocaust ended over 60 years ago, yet dehumanization is still being brought upon the women in Pakistan, Syria, and Afghanistan.