
Women's Rights In Ancient Rome Essay

Decent Essays

The women of ancient rome did not have equal rights, these paragraphs will show you that they didn’t. Do you want men and women to have equal rights? The women in ancient greece couldn’t be in the congress. Women couldn’t participate in congress, also when women worked it was either prostitution or they worked in shops. Women just needed to take care of the children so the men could work. They both can work to make more money so they have a better life and the kids can go to school. Women did not have equal rights this shows they didn’t.

The women of ancient rome did not have equal rights as to the men did, men and women should have equal rights no matter what. The travels with, “women in ancient rome couldn’t …show more content…

The ancient city Rome was founded by Romulus and Remus in 21 April 753 BCE. Rome was founded because both of the brothers wanted a city to call their own and once they had one they both wanted the throne but one of the brothers went crazy and decided to kill his brother that's crazy no one should kill there own brother just to have their own city. They found a cool spot to call their own that's how they did it

When the two brothers Romulus and Remus wanted a city to call their own so they founded rome. After they founded rome everything was good but the thing was the two brothers didn't want to share power they both wanted the glory and to overrule the other brother. So following that it got so hectic that Romulus ended up murdering his brother Remus. He did this all because he wanted the city of Rome to himself.

“I’m never less at leisure than when at leisure, or less alone than when alone.” by Romulus himself this ties to how rome was founded because this relates to after him killing his own brother. He is saying that he has no care for the fact that now his brother is dead he doesnt care and he now has all of the glory he ever

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