
Women's Role In The French Revolution

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Despite being disregarded as equals by the French society, many women in France had roles in the French Revolution. Of the many women, three women in particular had pivotal functions in the founding of women’s rights. During the time period a societal change regarding the rights of women had begun to take place. Pauline Leon was the daughter of a chocolate maker and an exceptionally radical women activist during the French Revolution who helped lead a, short lived, but drastic club. Etta Palm D’Aelders, a Dutch woman, was a fundamental women’s rights activist with a knack for debating who addressed the national assembly and legislative assembly for equality for women in the eyes of the law for both marriage and women’s clubs. Olympe De Gouges was a female writer/playwright during the French …show more content…

The letter entitled Les Droits de la Femme was sent to the Queen in hopes to acquire a new leader for women’s rights. She starts off stating that she had always stood by her for her defense when havoc had ran rampant. The main focal point of the document is revealed when De Gouge asks “Madame, may a nobler function characterize you, excite your ambition, and fix your attentions. Only one whom chance has elevated to an eminent position can assume the task of lending weight to the progress of the Rights of Woman and of hastening its success.” De Gouges spoke of the function of the Queen, which is to just produce heirs for the king. She advocates for doing something even greater than that and for the Queen to help lead the women’s rights movement. De Gouges knew that only someone of her status and position could successfully aid them. De Gouges’ writing to the Queen helped to show the complex political views and affiliations she had. De Gouges not only sought help from the royalty but also reached out to the National Legislature to express her feelings on female

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