
Wonder Woman Research Paper

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Wonder Woman is a fictional superhero that first appeared in comic books during World War II. Wonder Woman’s real name was Diana Prince and was a princess of the Amazons. She was created by William Moulton Marston. There was also a television show about her and it influenced many children’s childhoods. This show promoted the popularity of the second wave of feminism and women’s rights and popularity. Wonder Women fought not only super villains but also forces associated with the Axis Powers, and her villain was Doctor Psycho. Her mission during World War II was to teach peace and love during the dark days of war. Wonder Woman had superhuman strength, super flight, and superhuman speed. Wonder Woman is not only the symbol of a modern woman but …show more content…

She is a role model for kids and adults of any age. For example, her television called The Adventures of Wonder Woman, showed women that they are valuable in society and that they can take masculine roles and do great at them. She earned respect from everyone from being brave, responsible, and taking masculine roles no one believed women could ever take. She deserved that respect because she fights for the safety of others and helps them during hard times and also she worked hard to make women have value and respect. She was one of the first girls to join the Justice League for her braveness and strength. She was the only woman in the Justice League, this league was a group of superheroes during this time that were the most popular. Her joining this league showed she was very brave and it took a lot of courage to do that as a woman during this time. Also, it is an example that women should get more involved in masculine roles. She thought it was very important for women to unite and work together to defend America from the Nazis, which she also portrayed in her television show. She thought this because women were just as valuable as men according to Wonder Woman and could do just as much as

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