In 1907, radiometric dating was used. It found that the Earth was 2.2 billion years old. The Wright brothers were inventors at the time. They flew the first motorized airplane in 1903. Many women had “Gibson Girls” hairstyles. They began to abandon the corset at the end of the decade. I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy was made in 1904 and sung by George M Cohen. Melody Of Love was made in 1903 by Tom Glazer & H. Engelmann. The Wizard, the Prince and the Good Fairy was a movie made in 1900. The Man with the Rubber Head was made in 1901. The Magician and the Human Pump was also made in 1901. Gulliver's Travels Among the Lilliputians and the Giants was made in 1902. World War I began in 1914. The United States joined World War I in 1917. This war was …show more content…
William Howard Taft was the president for the first portion of this decade (until 1913). He was the 27th president, and he eventually became chief justice of the Supreme Court, becoming the only person to have served as both a U.S. chief justice and president. Woodrow Wilson was the next president. In 1917 he declared the United States entrance to World War I. He felt as though it was important to keep the interests of the people in mind through his terms. This is the time period that vacuum cleaners were first used commercially, though they were invented before this time period. This was the time of the first large use of submarines. This was also the first large use of machine guns for World War I. Daylight savings was used for World War I; this helped save fuel needed to heat houses, as the sun was out later. Vegetarian sausage came from World War I because meat was scarce in Germany, and an alternative was needed. Charles Franklin Kettering invented the first electric starter motor for cars in this decade. Clarence Crane invented the candy Life Savers in the summer of 1912. He did this because he wanted people to have a candy that wouldn’t melt like chocolate in the summer
In the first two decades of the twentieth century the national political scene reflected a growing American belief in the ideas of the Progressive movement. This movement was concerned with fundamental social and economic reforms and gained in popularity under two presidents. Yet Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson espoused two different approaches to progressive reform. And each one was able to prevail upon congress to pass legislation in keeping with his own version of the progressive dream. These two people, although they had different principles in mind, had one goal: to make changes to the nation for the better of the people and the country. Setting out to reach this goal, Roosevelt came to be a president of the common man while
Woodrow Wilson, our 23rd president, became involved in a war that he did not want any part of. Wilson wanted to remain neutral and have peace as in his first term of office. During World War I Wilson’s roles in the war became well known in all countries. Wilson wanted peace more than anything else. In seeking for peace Wilson asked Congress for the U.S. to enter World War I. which may not sound like a peace strategy but Wilson felt it was the only way to stop Germany and gain peace. Wilson wrote his speech for world peace, Fourteen Points, that he was probably most famous for. He attended and played an integral part in The Treaty of Versailles. He was the founder of the League of Nations,
Woodrow Wilson was the president of the United States of America at the time during WWI. The U.S was content with staying neutral during the first world war and it proved to be extremely beneficial for them as they became rich. The economic surplus that came with being neutral was enough reason for the U.S to stay out of the war. They were eventually pushed into participating in the war and played a key role in the allies victory. The reinforcements from the U.S helped tip the scales in the allies favor in the battle against Germany in the western front. Despite the great impact that the United States made by entering the war, it took many unfavorable events to push them out of neutrality. Some of those events are detailed in the first image
Two great men, two great presidents, led our nations to excellency and great success. Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were hard working, intelligent men who were very familiar, but were also different in many aspects. Through their dedication to our country and their passion of politics they have made our country better.
In literature, slavery and the African American race are often analyzed and interpreted by numerous authors. Mark Twain reveals numerous hitches and aspects of society’s view towards different races throughout many of his novels. In Pudd’nhead Wilson Twain describes the status of African Americans in society, as well as how they are portrayed or believed to act in the eyes of other townsfolk. The portrayal of Roxy and the status of Tom and Chambers both help Twain show the wrongs of the
Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt were two of America’s great presidents. This is why I feel that both men were equally important in what they did and said they would do. Both in their own ways have added a little of what makes this country what it is today. Both had their own beliefs of how reform, empowerment of the people and foreign policy should be accomplished. As president, the main goal was to do what they felt best for the American people. In doing so, how different could they really be?
I have taken this from an external source to show the power of idealism, and how Woodrow was perceived.
Any person that can rise up from the bottom rung of the ladder to the top is able to achieve great things in life. Renowned playwright August Wilson, a winner of two Pulitzer Prizes, and other awards for his work, is an example of such persons. He grew up in a lower class black family, faced the difficulties of an African American, and turned himself into the great writer he is.
wrote the play Fences about his life: the heartbreaking reality of racism in his own life and the
The 1920’s right after WW1 was the age of new technologies with soldiers wanting to come home to a more prosperous life and that could be fulfilled with all of the new technology. The automobile is one of the biggest achievements in technology although they had already been made in Germany but when companies like Ford came to America. It revolutionized transport because not just rich people could afford a car but lower class people could too. Another amazing advance in technology was the radio because more people could hear the same things and be aware of what's going on. They were not just for news they also had entertainment with sports and stories that provided just as much excitement to them as to us with television.
According to family records, President Thomas Woodrow Wilson was born on December 28, 1865 in Staunton, Virginia. He was born to Doctor Joseph Ruggles Wilson, a prominent Presbyterian professor, and Janet Woodrow. Wilson spent most of his childhood in Augusta, Georgia, however he always took pride in being from Virginia. From a young age, Wilson had a strong sense of what was right and what was wrong; he also based his decisions on the righteousness of his options, making him to later be one of the most prominent Progressives and reformers. Wilson’s distinguished education background proved to help him with his reforms and Presidency. In 1873 Wilson entered Davidson College in North Carolina, starting his education career. After taking a year off from school, Wilson enrolled in Princeton University in 1875. He graduated in 1879 with academic and extracurricular honors. Within the same year, Wilson enrolled in the law school at the University of Virginia. However, he withdrew from school due to poor health and continued his law studies at home.
To better understand the successes and failures of the 28th president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, it is essential to define the image he portrayed to the American population during his presidency. Many Americans and historians will claim he was a man of impartiality and the one who led America into WWI. He had a very solid influence on Congress for the many domestic and foreign affair policies he endorsed. The goal is to illustrate how President Woodrow Wilson ran his presidency in the eyes of the American citizens. This will be done by examining the many facades that President Woodrow Wilson exhibited during his term as president. Upon researching the events of President Woodrow Wilson, it is clear that he was significant in moving our nation onward and supporting the American people in every which way possible.
During President Wilson’s zeitgeist was greatly influenced by the Civil war, which led Wilson to be apprehensive about bringing the United States into World War I when he became president. Wilson became the president of Princeton University on June 9, 1902 where he constantly worked to reform the education and social aspects of Princeton, which were called the Preceptorial System, where he hoped to bring students and teachers together in engaging in the learning process. He viewed the creating of an educational community as a duty to, “take men and reintroduce them to the country as it is; to make them forget the interest of their fathers and to see how the interests of all the people are linked together,” (Clements, 29). Where
Woodrow Wilson’s presidency was by many accounts one of the most successful in American history. Not only did his domestic affairs and reform policies give birth to the modern age of liberalism but his foreign policies would lead the United States to victory in World War I. This would in turn contribute to the United States involvement in world affairs.
President Theodore Roosevelt was the outmost incredible president of our nation. He cared about every aspect of our country. He was remarkable, brilliant, and strong. He brought something different to the table of the presidential legacy. His personality, however was like no other, he was an impossible act to follow. He also was impetuous and did not hesitate to work around the regulations to get what he wanted.