I first came across you through your newsletter, Pen Parade, where you explore how our tools influence our work. Is the selection of the right tool — the perfect pen — an important part of your process?
It is and it isn’t — I try to embrace the idea of just making do with what you have. It’s so limiting to say “Oh, I need to have this certain pen or I can’t do it.” I’m like that with so many things — if I just had the right camera, if I just had the right paper. It’s an excuse. You work with what you have.
But at the same time, the freedom a particular tool can give you is really important. When I sit down to do a comic, sometimes I know exactly which pen I’m going to use, but sometimes I just uncomfortably try a lot of things until I find the right one.
In college, I took an art class as a requirement — I didn’t particularly love the
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In most of my drawings, there isn’t much rendering, or detail — I try to keep it simple, so that it doesn’t have any more impact than the words. In a way, the drawings function similarly to the words: the simple lines make them almost another letter, another form.
To me, your work really exudes happiness — a feeling that maybe, after all, things are pretty beautiful. Would you say that you’re happy?
I’m actually really relieved to hear you say that, because I’ve had people comment before that my work to them seemed motivated by darkness, or depression, which made me feel a little scared — that my work was being misunderstood. I would say that my work is primarily motivated by the idea of finding the positivity in something dark.
And yeah, I would say that I’m happy. Of course, I’ll have moments where I’m not, and I think it’s important to acknowledge those too. Happiness is more potent when you’re living with awareness of the alternative.
So, speaking of that alternative: what keeps you up at
Are You as Happy as You Seem? Joshua W. Shenk had an article issued in June of 2009 called “What Makes Us Happy?” Shenk gives an efficient argument for the reasons a person can be happy with their life. Shenk article follows the lives of many different people which, in turn, in his article employs anecdotes, pathos, and rhetorical questions. In addition, Shenk shows his credibility through his use of ethos.
I am very strong with hand drafting and my computer drafting skills are swiftly increasing. I use Photoshop for initial color selections and playing with textures by filling in my drafting like a coloring page; then use a combination of Photoshop and traditional media to do my color
I must assure you that I am a very happy woman. I am successful at my profession, I am, or in the process of getting to a higher level of education, and I am very confidant.
When I approached this statement I pondered for quite a bit. It was a bit depressing. Happiness should be exactly what it says being happy. For me, there was a period that happiness did not exist and when I reflect about this period its becomes overwhelming. This chapter in my life was dark and didn’t think that I could ever truly be happy again. With that being said, happiness to me is peace of mind,
Normal summer conditions in Southern California are dry, often with extreme heat and low humidity level of sixty percent. California has been in a cycle of intense heat, drought, and high fire risk. During the majority of the summer season, individuals in Southern California are at either at an extreme caution or caution level according to the heat index. The heat index is a tool used to convert weather temperatures into a more understandable value by accounting for humidity level (Clements & Casani, 2014). The heat index recommends adding fifteen degrees Fahrenheit when in direct sunlight.
“Are you happy?” is a question that is asked in Ray Bradbury’s book Fahrenheit 451, a question that we disregard. This question changed one mans perspective in the book entirely, it changed how he view society as a whole. How do you see your society? Is it good or is it bad? Do you feel as though you are happy in this society? Maybe we are slowly turning into a dystopian society. Becoming dependent on technology and out casting thing like books. Limiting what it is we can and can’t do, even rewriting history. As strange as it is, our world is beginning to mirror several aspects of a distant Dystopian society of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451. Are we progressing to that type of world?
paint, I don't draw something realistic. When I am in front of my paper, I just
The Sun Also Rises is a novel written by Ernest Hemingway, first published in 1926. Hemingway wrote the novel about a group of American and British expatriates who travel from Paris to the festival of San Fermín in Pamplona to watch the running of the bulls and the bullfights. Hemingway gives the reader a look at the post World War I generation, which included the Lost Generation. Many of the important characters in The Sun Also Rises are simply lost. The reader can see moral bankruptcy, spiritual dissolution, unrealized love, and vanishing illusions from the lost characters.
Right now, I feel as if I have learned a great deal from the obstacles I had faced, and I have matured more and more by the lessons I have gained from them. Having found which path I am to take in my future life, I am perfectly content with my situation in life at this instance, and nothing could make me happier.
Navigating the criminal justice can be a difficult process for offenders, witnesses, and victims. Moreover, the hardest process of the whole system is the laws. Laws are designed to both protect offenders from injusticely actions and protecting the victims as well as the public. Therefore, depending on the crime, situations, and laws applied could be a complex outcome for all parties that are involved in the proceedings. As a result, it’s two understandings about the called “Law on the Books” and “Law in Action” which these two concepts are understanding what the law says and how the law work in real life.
Creativity and art have been a significant parts of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was little and we visited my Grandma Carol in the summers, my favorite thing to do with her was make art. She taught me about so many different media, such as: acrylics, oil pastels, and the ink press. Sometimes, I would bring my sketchbook from home and she would help me set up art shows around her house. I would sell my art for a few dollars each, and then use the little bit of money I earned to buy more art supplies. As she introduced me to more artistic styles and mediums in the
For example, using a leftover coffee can for loose nails or screws, or even washing and reusing a plastic zip-loc bag instead of throwing it in the garbage. Thrift shopping is a way of reusing someone else’s unwanted goods. As I spoke about in an earlier speech about thrifting, I included many locations and ways to thrift, also the benefits to the shopper and the donator. One place in particular was shopping at the local boys and girls club. I personally shop there, keeping my eyes open for a good deal. For example, the pair of jeans that I am wearing today was purchased from this store just a few months ago. I paid only $8.00 for this pair of Lucky Jeans and according to buckle.com, a retailer for lucky jeans the retail price is $99.00 that is a savings to me of $91.00.I am not the type to worry about name brands, but quality usually does cost more. If I can get a quality pair of jeans at a fraction on the price, I am glad to shop at the thrift store. I am thankful to the person that made the donation of the lucky jeans and they can benefit from that donation. According to the IRS webpage, IRS. Gov it explains that an individual can donate items like clothing, household furniture and furnishings, a car or boat, even taxidermy. The donations are appraised, by the donator, and recorded. At the time of filing taxes if the donation equals at least $500 for the year, the donator may take advantage of the
Response: I want people to notice how the characters are written. I don’t really use regular pencils but I did because in the future I might not have these awesome amazing mechanical pencils. It turned out pretty decent and I want to improve my characters even more.
No, not necessarily. It means that if you are willing to practice and to make mistakes, you will very soon be drawing far better than just about anyone you know, and your friends and family and teachers will be amazed.
As a photography major, it was never clear to me on why I had to take a drawing class. I dreaded each class because of the known fact that I didn’t possess the skills to be a good drawer. When speaking to friends and family, I would always complain to them saying, “I’m going to fail this class. I have no idea why I have to take these drawing classes.” As the quarter went on and the more I learned about the different drawing techniques such as the use of lighting to create interesting shadows or the use of color to create a sense mood and emotion, I began to realize the parallels that drawing and photography have.