To read one must be able to identify words through word recognition. To develop these skills, children need to become phonemically aware. This means that students have the ability to break apart the words and make the sounds. They then need decoding skills, or the how something sounds when spoken. The last important skill they need is sight vocabulary. These are the words that children can identify automatically, without sounding them out. Readers also use comprehension, meaning they gain the ability to understand the words over time. To develop comprehension, children need background knowledge of the subject area, meaning that the person has read or had a personal experience on the subject. examp: The student knows the parrot is red with green
Phonics: this is the most known and used method to teach reading skills, phonics teaches children the relationship between letters of the written language and the sounds of the spoken language, it teaches children to use these relationships to read and write. This will teach them the alphabet and how these words are written and spoken which will be predictable, this will help them recognise familiar words and help them with harder ones.
Teach the child to read and empower them to become a fast and fluent Reader: Teach the child to read a unique combination of synthetic phonics and phonemic knowingness skills development. It is a fact - helping children develop phonemic knowingness skills is the most essential step in getting reading skills. The spoken English language is made up of words and sentences, and these words are made up of individual sounds or phonemes. Children learn to say and recognize these individual sounds through a process called developing phonemic
Learning to read is beginning to develop earlier in elementary grades. Students are expected to be emergent readers by the time he or she leaves kindergarten and enters first grade. If a child is not, he or she is labeled as being behind. According to Hughes (2007) emergent readers are using early reading strategies in consistently, read easy patterned text, retell text with simple storyline, and respond to text at a literal level. Hughes (2007) also says literacy develops in young children through play, daily conversation and interactions with text of all kinds. Many children come with emergent literacy skills; can recognize signs and labels, scribble letters, retell stories by pointing at pictures and talking about them, and some have varying degrees of phonemic and phonological awareness. This essay will define and explain implication for each theory in learning to read.
Focus on developing decoding skills and reading fluency: Decoding is the foundation on which all other reading instruction builds. Identical, fluency provides a bridge between word recognition and comprehension. If students cannot decode words, their reading will lack fluency. When fluent readers read silently, they recognize words automatically.
When it comes to the classroom, there are several important components that teachers need to teach their students in order to be successful in the areas of reading and writing. One of these components is literacy. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, literacy is defined as “the ability to read and write.” In order for children to be successful readers and writers, they need teachers who understand the concepts well enough to teach them accurately. Each child learns differently, so these teachers need to come up with different ways to teach their students so they will get a full understanding of the components and why they are used in everyday reading and writing. According to Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks for Teaching Children to Read, the five areas of reading instruction they will use are phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and text comprehension (Armbruster, Lehr, and Osborn, 2008, p. ii).
The Simple View of Reading (SVoR) model suggests that children must have language comprehension and word recognition skills to be proficient readers, Medwell et al (2014). Jim Rose’s report (2006, p. 40) outlined the Simple View of Reading as a useful framework, which would make explicit to teachers what they need to teach about word recognition and language comprehension (see appendix 1). Before the Rose report, reading was defined as decoding black marks, Graham and Kelly (2012). After this the searchlights model suggested that phonics, grammatical knowledge, reading comprehension and graphic knowledge are equally useful tools when learning to read, Ward (2008). The Rose report’s Independent Review of the Teaching of Early reading reconstructed this model and created the SVoR. Rose (2006, p. 38) determines word recognition as a process which allows you to use “phonics to recognise words” and language comprehension as the means by which “word information, sentences and discourse are interpreted.” The SVoR suggests that, to become a fluent reader, the skills of language comprehension and word recognition are equally important and dependent on each other. Gough and Tummer first mentioned this model, as stated that “comprehension is not sufficient, for decoding is also necessary” Wyse et al (2013, p.
Learning to read is a valuable and important skill that children acquire from a very early age. Children gain an understanding of the different sounds in our spoken language from a wide range of different experiences and social interaction with their environment. For example, singing and saying rhymes, sharing books, making and listening to music, pretend play, listening to adults and joining in conversations etc ect. as mentioned by Vygotsky (1978)
“Put Reading First” talks about the most important elements of reading such as phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. The article explains the purpose and importance of these concepts, due to the idea of how hard it is for some children to read. It also offers the idea of instructional strategies to use for the concepts. For example, Phonemic awareness is being able to hear, distinguish between the sounds being heard, and make sounds in spoken words. This involves understanding that some words have the same beginning sound or segmenting the beginning and ending sound in the words. The article also goes on about the individual breakdowns of the concept such as graphemes and phonemes. It then goes over the strategies
Reading is the interpretation of written symbols and involves the visual perception of those symbols. Reading connects the meaning of symbols with the words that has been spoken or heard. Kindergarten students build reading skills as they progress from letter recognition to early phonics. They begin to learn the beginning and ending sounds of common or high frequency words. As their vocabulary increases students begin to use words
There are many components to building a student’s reading skill set. One skill that is introduced in preschool and developed through the primary grades is phonemic awareness. The term phonemic awareness is defined as the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate phonemes – individual sounds. The child becomes aware of how sounds are connected to words prior to reading. This awareness creates the understanding of how phonemes explains how the smallest part of sound creates a difference in sound to the meaning of a word. Therefore, the ability to dismantle words, and reassemble them, and then to alter the word into something different explains the concept behind phonemic awareness. It is the primary foundation in which other reading skill sets are according based.
They all need different things and need to be taught in different ways. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to teaching children how to read. I believe that a teacher needs to know her student and know the student’s strengths and weaknesses. However, just as important is the teacher knowing how to motivate and get the child excited to read. I have also learned that it is important to build up a child’s confidence. Children need to have attainable goals so they can prosper in their reading
Comprehension is also an important factor when speaking of literacy. Students should be taught the many strategies that will help them with comprehension and word recognition. In my experience in a first grade classroom I used many of these strategies. Within my lessons I included the activation of prior knowledge to construct meaning, the use of context clues in a sentence, pictures clues, predicting, and drawing inferences about ideas or characters in the text. I always made sure that I modeled the strategy for the student before they set of to do it.
Psychologically, children are different, therefore, understand in a different manner (Richards & Rodgers, 2014). For instance, some of the children are able to understand better when teachers employ example and drawings in class. Some have better listening ability while others understand better when they make notes. Based on this difference, it is difficult to establish a combination of methods or single methods that can effectively assist children how to read in class.
In these stages children obtain phonological recoding skills, or the ability to blend the phonetic sounds of letters together into words, as well as fluency in simple reading material. This is to say that the child is learning the spelling of words and forming a mental model of the word and its connection to the definition of the word. By making those connections the child is then able to understand the pertinent information of that sentence and the ones around it, leading to reading comprehension. In this stage of learning the child is acquiring basic processes and capacities such as encoding and automatization that are crucial to reading comprehension. In other words, the child is learning to more quickly be able to see a word, know it’s meaning, and understand its connection to the words around it to make a sentence, and is better able to comprehend the sentence and the information it is trying to convey. Another aspect of reading comprehension a child is obtaining is their metacognitive knowledge. This is a child’s ability to monitor whether or not he/she is keeping track of their understanding of a text. Another influential aspect of comprehension is the growth of content knowledge that frees cognitive resources for focusing when reading a new and complex part of a text. For example when reading a headline “Lakers Check Spurs”, a knowledgeable reader would know that the article involves professional basketball. This is the sort of knowledge that a child is starting to acquire in this stage of
Oral language is also an important component in reading. When a child enters school, they enter with an amount of oral language and background knowledge that would come from their experiences so far. This knowledge helps them to understand their peers and others around them. The amount of oral language development within is student, directly reflects upon their reading level. The easier it is for a child to speak, the easier it is for them to pick up reading. Reading is not an easy task, but oral language does help with the process. Additionally, oral language would also help with the recognizing and association of words to text that is being read. There may be a situation in which the student is reading about for which they can relate too. This could be due to their prior oral language development. Associating words that are recognized in their vocabulary with words that are in the text creates a link that the student can expand on. This