When I was younger, I've always been interested in sports whether it was football, baseball and of course basketball. I played them all, because I couldn't decide which one I loved more. That all changed one day when I was at practice for basketball. As we're practicing, I won't lie. I was acting like there was no one else on my team. I kept ball hogging but even though I was making every one of my shots, coach called an immediate timeout. He made every other player sit down except me after he went over the play for when we got back in the game. I hadnt notice i was the only one heading back to the court until I turned around an seen the glares of my teammates. I was confused and said "Why are you guys sitting? Timeout's over, its time to …show more content…
Depending on the status of your degree, it may be the difference between assistant coach or head coach. Anyways, This work environment is often face paced. In this line of field, the work environment can range from private organization, non profit, amateur sports and professional just to name a few. Some work environments may not just be in one setting. You may need to travel to press conferences, traveling to negotiate deals. Some work environments depending on what you do to achieve this dream may vary. While discussing work environments, I cant forget to mention job placement. Colleges, major teams, any kind of sports facilities, broadcasting and public relations are just some jobs that help assist with placement. There's also an website called Sports Revenue that has an online training and even has a place where you can apply for current positions depending on your educational background and it also helps to hire you with professional teams. Another topic that should be addressed, is the pay scales for this degree. In the sports industry, this entertainment business makes over $200 million a year so depending on the field you decide to pursue, this can mean a very nice salary. According to the Bureau of labor statistics, earning potential for sports managements can go up to $110,000. However, since the demand for the these jobs are competitive,a few things like location and learning to network should be taken advantage of. The more effort you put in the higher your revenue. Bureau of labor statistics also reported a few positions where salaries for coaches an scouts are $28,000 but ESPN reports that coach such as Nick Saban net worth is around 12-15 million. So the point being made here is that just because the salary you start with may not be the one you end up with. This field that's been chosen has a lot of networking opportunities so the possibilities are
I played basketball from 3rd grade until 8th grade. I would work my butt off the whole time I remember the last game I ever played. We lost both of are biggest players. One went to play for another team at a different tournament and the other had been elbowed above the eye and had to go to the hospital for stitches. We did not have many kids left who were tall, so we had to push harder to try and win. Everyone wanted to give up because our biggest players were gone but I just wanted to give it all. I pressured the offense as much as I could, trying to steal the ball for a fast break because with my skills the best way for me to score was a lay-up. I would swat at any shot, dive at any loose ball, and throw myself into anywhere to keep it out of the other teams hands, but my team had already given up. Right then and there I was so disgusted that when the game was over I decide
The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, which is only 45 minutes from Detroit, is a public higher learning institution that was founded in 1817. The University of Michigan is considered to be one of the best colleges in the country.
When I was 13 i moved from Decatur Il to the city capitol of Indiana (Indianapolis) hoping to get a better life in education and sports.All my life i dreamed of me going to a big college and becoming a professional basketball player later on in my life.My mother told me it will be a lest likely chance you will become a pro basketball player in a city we used to live in due to our “reputation”. Once We Got To Indiana I was sad but i was excited at the same time,Thoughts ran through my mind like “are the students are going to like me”?,”Will i become an outcast”?. I went to this private school in the central of the city named Lincoln Jr High. Once i got there i was focused on my grades and basketball that’s all i thought about. Once basketball tryouts began i reported to the gym
Soon as I got off the bus, I rushed into my house, threw my book bag and jacket off onto the floor and ran to my room to get dressed for my game. When I finished getting dressed, my teammates and I went over to my friend Josiah’s house and hung out for a little before the game. We went out to eat, played, joked and even played a little pick-up game on his hoop in front of his house. As we left to go to the game, inside the van I started to get more excited and more nervous. I plug in my headphones to block out the noise and to get hyped up for the game that we would be playing in just one more hour. When we arrive at Boo Williams Sport Complex, where we were going to be playing at, I saw a variety of teams playing and there were so many different basketball courts.Watching how good these teams were made me think about how good the teams we were going to be playing. After I got to thinking about it, I was extremely nervous to the point where I thought I was going to throw up. The gym smelled like a bunch of basketballs and sweat, it smelled very bad. As we walk to our court to warm up I finally get to see the team that we were playing, at first sight they didn’t look too good. After warming up, my coach calls the starting lineup and calls my name for it. At tip-off I got more and more confident the more I touched the ball. Only about three minutes in I shoot my first three pointer and it goes in. As the game comes to the end my coach names me the MVP and I finished the game with nine points and no turnovers, we beat the opposing team 37 to 21. Our jovial game ended as a big
My family was born to play basketball, both of my brothers had the size and athleticism to play professionally, and my dad towered over others standing at 6’6”. At a young age I was expected to follow in their footsteps. However, I did not have the size that the rest of my family did, and struggled to compete due to my small stature. In the seventh grade I tried out for my middle school basketball team and was promptly told I wasn’t good enough to play. I came home crying feeling that I disappointed my family. The next year, during the eighth grade try-outs, the coach said the same thing and broke my heart for the second year in a row. Dissatisfied with these results, I promised that I would make a change before entering high school.
As I started my senior year of highschool, I was approached by my head basketball coach. He approached me to tell me that he wanted me to help coach middle school basketball. At first I was a little skeptical because I already was incredibly busy. Because I did not want to disappoint my coach, I decided that I was going to go ahead and do it. I missed the first four days of practice because I had cross country practice after school. On a Friday, I was able to go to a practice. We went over our plays and scrimmaged each other. I was a little flustered because I had no idea the name of most of the kids. Practice ended and the head coach told me that I was coaching the B team on my own the next day. I was surprised to hear him say that. I couldn’t believe that I was going to be coaching a whole team on my
After throughly researching careers within the Sports Management field, I believe I would be interested in working as a Director of Player Personnel. The Director of Player Personnel is a management position within a sports organization whose main job is to support the athletes on the team (Berner). This specific position is extremely significant for all athletic teams in amateur, college, and professional leagues. Getting a job within the sports field is highly competitive, but their are more opportunities now than ever before.
(WorkInSports 1)“The benefit of a sport management degree is that it provides the student with a basic foundation of the sport business,” says John Wolohan is Professor and Graduate Program Director of the Sport Venue and Event Management program at Syracuse University in The David B. Falk College. Being that there are new athletes developing everyday the opportunity is always there for someone to make an easy million dollars managing a professional athlete. Of course like any other professional career a valid education or various credential showing that you are overly qualify to manage an athlete would put you above and beyond. "Many colleges offer bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs in sports management. Career titles vary, but some include professional sports scout or agent, athletic department director, team general manager, sports facility manager and sports event coordinator" (Sports 1). With anything in life it's important to make sure you have the work to show why you're the most fit for the job. Students in this field typically graduate with a bachelors in sports management, masters in sports management, an MBA in sport management or a PhD in athletic administration/ sports management. This niche business degree prepares students for running and managing nearly all facets of a sports organization. Some students choose the MBA in sports management in order to specialize on
Planning and managing a sport venue during any event can be challenging even to the most seasoned facility managers. There are many factors that a facility manager must consider in order to ensure the event is a success. Success of an event can be measured in many ways across a wide array of topics; two of which are crowd management and alcohol management. Having a solid plan and operational controls in place for both can lead to a fun and safe environment for all parties involved with any event.
The path that lead me to choose Sport Management as a major began at a young age where I demonstrated my admiration for sports. I have been participating in sports my entire life and still do to this day. Unfortunately, my time as an athlete will eventually come to an end and I will need to find an occupation that I have passion for. I asked myself the question, “Why not continue my passion in sports”? Being able to work with sports, but not directly in the spotlight, as an athlete is something I would love to be apart of.
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions a person will make in their life. Most people try to pick the career with the best financial gain and something they would like to do for the rest of their life. Foremost it is wise to see what the job entails. Sport Management is perfect for those who enjoy helping and working with people, especially when dealing with sports. The next part of the decision-making process is looking through the various schooling and training required. Lastly, take into consideration the advantages and disadvantages. Usually with great salaries comes a big responsibility with high stress. “The sports industry in the U.S. is a $200-billion-dollar-plus powerhouse, with superstar
Depending on what occupation you decide to pursue the work and conditions will differ. Some typical activities are, plan and direct athletic events, represent professional athletes, plan and direct the training of the team players, evaluate skills and potential of players, or work extensively with players, coaches, officials, managers etc. The work condition can vary with different jobs or tasks. A scout will be called on to travel about 3/4 of the time. Athletic directors handle the athletics of their prospective schools along with coaches. A sports agent working conditions can involve a lot of long hours and extended pressure. Some employment settings are colleges/universities, camps, sporting goods stores, management firms, professional teams, fitness centers and the media.
I found out that I wanted to pursue a degree in sport management. HPS helped me look into possible career pathways within my major. This class helped me to learn more about future options I may have in sport management that I had never heard of. When I wrote my HPS 101 papers I ended up narrowing the list of possible career options for myself.
After receiving my degree and certification I will need to find an open position. It is predicted by USNews.com that there will be 29.4% growth in employment outlook for coaches in the years 2010-2020. As stated earlier there is no experience requirement, the only thing suggested is to have background knowledge of the game. I plan on becoming a physical education teacher at the high school level. By doing this I will be able to find employment easier than just being a football coach. Since many of the schools hire teachers to be coaches, being a teacher will make this process easier for me to get involved with the football program from the beginning and work my way up to eventually becoming head coach. In an article by Lisa Miller, she talked about how coaches need to identify their purpose in coaching before they become one. Many are in it for the money and fame. After thinking hard about the question, I finally discovered why I wanted to become a coach. I don’t want to make millions, or become famous. The reason why I wish to coach is to be able to impact my player’s lives and help them become better men like my coaches did with me.
of those rare people who really knows how to "make things happen." I have gone