
Work Ethic Action Plan Sample

Decent Essays

I’d start a non-profit organization to help those in our community find employment and/or polish their work skills. There’s a well-known proverb about giving people fish vs. teaching them to fish and the longevity of those methods. This is one of the adages I learned when I was very young, and it’s been with me ever since. Thus, I push myself to learn as much as I can to prepare for my future, actively engaging the children I work with in my volunteer work at church and the YMCA to learn the value of education and career. This is the reason that I want to expand this idea and similarly impact my community and instill positive values regarding work ethic in our community while promoting STEAM.
This project will encourage long-term career development to establish values that’ll stay with the individual throughout their life. Every class/lecture/service offered will have a heavy emphasis on commitment to work and willingness to input effort to excel. We’ll rely mainly on regular volunteers and donations. I’d work together with other services, such as local libraries, clothing/grocery stores, charity causes, and hire participants of our program to practice their work skills and raise money to fund my organization. …show more content…

After receiving a customized report (I’d look forward to creating a database of career paths/opportunities and assigning specific traits most needed in that area for effective matching), the client would begin training in one or two stages. The first would be to develop essential skills to operate efficiently in any workplace, including time management, etiquette, leadership, and communication with lectures/discussions, and often “fieldwork” by interacting with strangers/gathering

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