I’d start a non-profit organization to help those in our community find employment and/or polish their work skills. There’s a well-known proverb about giving people fish vs. teaching them to fish and the longevity of those methods. This is one of the adages I learned when I was very young, and it’s been with me ever since. Thus, I push myself to learn as much as I can to prepare for my future, actively engaging the children I work with in my volunteer work at church and the YMCA to learn the value of education and career. This is the reason that I want to expand this idea and similarly impact my community and instill positive values regarding work ethic in our community while promoting STEAM.
This project will encourage long-term career development to establish values that’ll stay with the individual throughout their life. Every class/lecture/service offered will have a heavy emphasis on commitment to work and willingness to input effort to excel. We’ll rely mainly on regular volunteers and donations. I’d work together with other services, such as local libraries, clothing/grocery stores, charity causes, and hire participants of our program to practice their work skills and raise money to fund my organization.
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After receiving a customized report (I’d look forward to creating a database of career paths/opportunities and assigning specific traits most needed in that area for effective matching), the client would begin training in one or two stages. The first would be to develop essential skills to operate efficiently in any workplace, including time management, etiquette, leadership, and communication with lectures/discussions, and often “fieldwork” by interacting with strangers/gathering
Along with this, I would make a program that talked about the problems other countries are facing right now. I believe by putting these educational programs into practice, it would give people a new perspective on what it means to be an American. Hand once said, “yet in the spirit of America which lies hidden in some form in the aspiration of all of us”. By doing this, maybe we can find the spirit of America in
I plan on working with my boyfriend’s job. He works at Union County College with the Project Achievement Initiative. They will be partnering up with the “Be the Change” group from Kean University. “Be the Change” is a nonprofit organization is geared towards helping different areas with community service and activism projects that help promote peace and non-violence in urban neighborhoods. They volunteer and donate every dollar or item collected to help many communities. Some of their activities include homelessness relief, creating peace gardens from abandoned lots, addressing urban food deserts utilizing vertical gardens to grow food, creating safe spaces for youth, young women empowerment programs and so much more. “Be the Change” is a community service and activism group made up of students from Kean University and other volunteers such as myself who are dedicated to serving the needs of local, state, national, and global community. They are pretty much a hands on organization and believe every little thing can help.
Recently, there have been situations where employees are feeling discriminated against, unethical behavior is taking place, trust is being severed, and the overall integrity of the organization is being compromised. Staff currently feels that their opinions will not matter because upper management does what they want, when they want to, and it does not matter who it affects. The snowball effect happens because people talk about things they overhear and they embellish a situation which makes it become bigger than it is. On the other hand, when there is truth to these accusations, it needs to be addressed so that trust can be rebuilt and the staff can see positive outcomes during negative times.
The evaluation of training consists of a reaction, learning, behavior, and results. Results determine how much the trainee liked the program. Learning outlines what facts and concepts were learned. Behavior determines if the program had an effect on the behavior(s) of the trainees. And results highlight what was accomplished as a result of the program, i.e. reduction of turnover or cost. Evaluating a training program allows for an employer to identify and correct areas in which improvement is needed. In order accomplish company goals employees must be trained effectively. Training cannot be an afterthought; it should be planned and implemented correctly. Career Development Strategies
Since I first delved into community service two years ago, I have not only found a passion for helping others, but also a sense of belonging. After my freshman year of highschool, I was lacking direction. I had no idea what I wanted to involve myself in, but I knew I wanted to start something to help people. Therefore, my friends and I created our own charity, The Pink Bowz. Since 2015, I have worked in my community to expand this organization which helps women battling breast cancer. The Pink Bowz has since completed approximately 200 hours of community service and donated over $5000 to five women in the Hampstead - Wilmington area. Through this experience I found a passion for the fundraising process. I campaigned at my school to start a
After being homeless for two and a half years with a single father and two little brothers, I learned that all things are not given to you and have to work hard for what you want. I have seen my father work very hard to raise three kids who were surrounded by this vicious cycle of crime and poverty in San Francisco Public housing before passing away due to kidney failure. Watching my father pass away before my eye may have been the hardest thing ever to face as 16 year old. The experience of losing my father as well as many of my friends to prison, drug trafficking, gangs, and neighborhood violence motivated me to aim for a better future. College, I realized (and still do), became my outlet for achieving my dreams. I believe that, if peers in the urban areas of San Francisco been given the right guidance, support, and resources they would have graduated and moved on to excel in higher education. It is this belief that has led me to dedicate much of my time to providing support and resources for underprivileged youths during my undergraduate career through a camp program called Camp Towd. My long term goal is to open a non-profit organization as I want to be apart of a team that serves at-risk youth that encourage them to take the right path in life. Instead of allowing youth to repeat the cycle of crime and dropping out of school, I want to be an example to them that you can grow-up in poverty,nonetheless still manage to beat the odds and go to college to obtain a stable job in the future. I feel that people should have a second chance at life where they go to rehab programs and have a mentor to help them achieve their goals in life, as I want to be that mentor one
My parents were inspired to start a non-profit which could alleviate, to a small degree,
The Personal Responsibility Work and Opportunity Act was a bill that was passed into law in 1996. This law created a new program called Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF). The changes in the TANF program were significantly different than the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program. The TANF program became a part of the national welfare reform which puts a stop to women with children being entitled to an endless amount of cash benefits. Welfare reform was part of President Bill Clinton and his campaign’s “promise to end welfare as we know it” (Gilbert and Terrell 2013 p.74). The sponsor of this bill was a Republican representative for Ohio’s 12th Congressional district and his name was John Kasich (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/104/hr3734).
This is a case study on A New Work Ethic written by James Sheehy a human resources manager. According to the Business Dictionary (2011) ethic is define as the basic concepts and fundamental principles of right human conduct. It includes study of universal values such as the essential equality of all men and women, human or natural rights, obedience to the law of land, concern for health and safety and, increasingly, also for the natural environment.
The goal of this program would be to take part in the ending of gun violence and make sure no one feels alone. This program would be different than other programs because it would only revolve around firearm incidents. It would hire professional occupational therapists and physical therapists, however it would hire anyone that wants to make a difference in the world and wishes to end this social justice issue. My dream is to end gun violence and make the citizens in my home feel safe and comfortable. Once everyone feels safe we will develop a stronger community and be able to conquer any social justice issue that comes our
I want to build up an organization that addresses the education needs of the community and provides services and programs that students do not get in school. I need the tools to be the best leader. I love the arts and have experience as an educator and performer, but I do not have much business experience. While I have experience through several internships and jobs in arts administration, I need the educational experience to provide a more solid understanding of how to run a successful nonprofit organization. This means an organization that fulfills its mission, is financially healthy, and is expanding and growing constantly to meet the needs of the
Putting together an effective employee training program can be a monumental task if not planned properly. There are four steps, repeating to produce a continuously better program that is best for both employer and employee. The process steps include needs assessment, design, implementation, and evaluation. Once it is evaluated, it should then show some weakness that should begin the cycle again with needs assessment and
In a traditional company setting, the Human Resource department (HRD) generally would look for training programmes for
Industrial psychologists commonly develop training programs. This function involves identifying performance or technical needs of employees that can be met by training. It also deals with evaluating the effectiveness of the training program. Training needs may include ways to (1) help new employees get used to the organization, (2) update technical skills of current employees, and (3) prepare employees for new responsibilities. Techniques used in training include classroom lectures, work simulators, computer-assisted instruction, and role playing.
Our textbook defines training as “systematic acquisition of skills, rules, concepts, or attitudes that result in improved performance” (p. 284). Training helps employee develop the skills and knowledge needed to perform their job correctly. In order for organizations to determine what kind of training is needed, organizations must conduct a needs analysis. The needs analysis helps determine the best training for the organization’s needs. There are three types of needs analysis that are typically conducted. These need analysis are: organizational analysis, task analysis, and person analysis.