• Work space biotechnology. • Identify and report workplace danger and risks • Make sure the hallway are clear of any barrier. • Keep updating OHS information • Updating emergency procedures • Conduct manual handling • How to prevent workplace illness or injuries Question 5 The following month, David receives another team report that identifies that while signs have been placed up around the office about effective manual handling procedures, one staff member has been off work for 2 days each week during the last month because of a bad back from lifting. What should David do? What kind of changes could David make to existing risk controls to ensure that manual handling injuries are eliminated or drastically reduced? What should David does? Conduct …show more content…
Why? Most important health and safety issue to address Why Staff absenteeism Highest rate in both March and …show more content…
• As specified in commonwealth and state or territory WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice • There are 6 risks control Question 3 The Manager of the Sydney office finds out from a staff member that bullying may be contributed to the fairly high levels of stress leave and absenteeism? Why is bullying a health and safety issue? What should the Manager do? Why is bullying a health and safety issue: Workplace bullying is a big issue. It will create a lot of negative impact to the staffs and customers. The examples of workplace bullying can be sexual harassment, degrading someone, conducting the unethical behaviors and applying unprofessional conducts to the staffs and customers. The consequences caused by the workplace bullying can be as the following: • Stress, sleeping problem • Mental health issues such as bad depression • Increase quality of family and home life • Increased absenteeism and staff turnover • Affect working performance getting low What should the Manager do? • Provide the warning the staffs who are the bad behavior at
Bullying can produce and maintain a poisonous work environment. Nurses who bully can wear down the job satisfaction of their co workers which can result in a loss of productivity and increased absences in the workplace (Stokowski, 2010). Victims of bullying often have a feeling of impending doom and dread when they think about their upcoming work days. Each time the bullying reoccurs, the victims usually
A second type of legislation within health and social care is “Manual handling operations Regs 1992.” This act states that employers all must plan ahead and avoid task that carry risks. They must also take steps to reduce the risks of injury during tasks that cannot be avoided for example, within River glade using a hoist alone the staff must assess the risk of this job and potentially ask for help if they cannot do it alone. In order to reduce the risk of injury from manual handling the staff can plan every lift to be as safe as possible by bending their knees while lifting the can also, encourage people to move independently when possible. Lastly, they can avoid repetitive lifts. (Aldworth C., 2010)
Before I start work, I ensure that the environment is spacious to avoid any accidents. By ensuring that the floor is dry and clear of any obstruction or material that could result to risk of an accident to both the service user and member of staff in line with Health and Safety first Aids Regulations 1987. I carry out checks on the residential areas and on the surroundings, fire checks and parked the wheelchairs and Zimmer frames in their appropriate places to avoid any accidents. I check to see that all doors and windows were locked and secured and areas are hazard
Workplace harassment and bullying occurs when an employee subjects another employee to degrading behaviour, whether verbal abuse and threats or actual physical violence. It is an inappropriate expression of power that affects workers and their productivity in an unfavourable way (Spry, 1998). Management, and other types of employees, who occupy high-status roles sometimes believe that harassing their subordinates is within their rights and make demands of the lower-status employees (Langton, Robbins, Judge, 2010, p. 313).
Bullying and harassment within the workplace can be attributed to a myriad of factors. The work
It has been brought to my attention that bullying and bad behaviour has been occurring in the workplace. I want to make several suggestions regarding bullying and bad behaviour in the workplace that I believe we should remain aware of.
Even worse for those affected by bullying is social isolation. Nobody talks to you, nobody will warn you if the boss comes around to check whether the employees do their work correctly and if you enter a crowded room a terrible silence cuts all conversations immediately. A colleague of yours may constantly defame you among all colleagues and spread (untrue) gossip about your private life in the company. You did not know that your children are gay and your partner has several love affairs? Now you know.
The article Impact of Workplace Bullying on Emotional and Physical Well-Being: A Longitudinal Collective Case Study by Lovell and Lee address the situation that is taking placed in the workplace. Thus, bullying is a psychosocial occupational hazard, is not a disease in itself but a psychosocial stressor directly linked to workplace conditions that adversely affects the physical and psychological health of people subjected to harassment, triggering physiological responses and emotional.
Workplace bullying is a widespread issue in which people need to be educated on in order to put an end to it. Its causes are complex and multi-faceted and yet preventable. Workplace bullying puts unnecessary strain on the employees It is the employer and organizations responsibility to provide a bully free environment for their employees. Employees should have the right to feel safe in their work environment and be free from workplace bullying. Employers need to be held accountable and have a plan in place to protect the employees from this type of violence. Unfortunately that is not always the case, in some instances the employer is the one doing the bullying. Workplace bullying carries many definitions in which will be
Today’s economy is changing, not only in this country, but around the world as well. People today are struggling to find steady employment, maintaining their employment and still having a difficult time to make ends-meet. Looking for a job, especially while unemployed and running low on money, has to be one of the most stressful times of a person’s life. However, there is another issue in regarding to today’s workforce. We can assume that most of us have experienced some type of bullying while in our younger years. Unfortunately, bullying exists in one’s adulthood as well, especially within the work environment. Additionally, workplace bullying is one of the biggest complaints from both employers and
Bullying in the workplace is the topic that Heeman has addressed and evaluated with the aid of research from additional authors. Communication plays a major role in bullying when brought into the workplace and it can continue for extensive lengths of time if not managed and handled properly. The roles of bullying are included in Heeman’s report which are the bully, the target, and the bystander. The costs on the workplace can be threatening to the staffing, productivity and the overall work environment. Percentages and research are presented proving the amount of bullying that actually takes place in the workplace. Ways to combat the bullying are introduced into the report to include understanding and taking action to stop and prevent the bullying from continuing. Heeman concludes his report by mentioning that researchers need to focus their attention on finding solutions and ways to intercept bullying to lower the statistics and ratios.
The scope and depth of the concept is vast. In addition to workplace bullying, there is school bullying, physical bullying, cyberbullying, sexual bullying, verbal bullying, and family bullying. The concept of bullying can be seen in many situations, but the use of workplace bullying is very specific to a place of employment. Furthermore, workplace bullying in nursing is seen in hospitals, clinics, nursing homes, and other medical facilities where nursing staff may be employed. On a broader level, workplace bullying impacts healthcare professionals in general wherever they may be employed. Workplace bullying outside of healthcare and nursing is also evident, especially in fields such as business and
Workplace bullying is a serious issue in
Nowadays, workplace bulling is prevalent in all organisations across all industries, and it is of utmost importance for organisations to protect the health and wellbeing of their employees. Workplace bullying includes verbal, physical, psychological or social abuse by an employer or colleague at work. Rousseau et al (2015, p.287) define workplace bullying as ‘repeated occurrences of negative acts over a sustained duration’ in which victims are unable to defend themselves. Furthermore, Randall (cited in Olive and Cangemi, 2015, p.20) defines workplace bullying as ‘aggressive behaviours that are intended to inflict psychological angst or even physical harm’. Although there are numerous different definitions for what workplace bullying is, it is clear to say they all mention how bullying can deeply affect the mental, physical and financial health of the victim. Mental health is associated with an individual’s psychological and emotional well-being. Physical health can be defined as the overall health of an individual, mainly to do with physical fitness and well-being. And financial health is used to describe the state of one’s personal financial situation. Olive and Cangemi (2015, p.19) discuss that workplace bullying not only impacts the health and well-being of its victims, it also adversely impacts organizations through ‘decreased productivity, excessive absenteeism, and costs associated with employee turnover’. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for organisation’s to
Many people attend work every day; because they need the money to take care of their family or a career option for them. In the process, they gain friends, but that can go wrong. In today’s society, workplace bullying is not treated equally to sexual harassment or discrimination. Many people think that colleagues can resolve bully among their self. Similar to conflict, is it healthy for a workplace environment? Will it improve the business? Wiedmer (2010) stated, “Workplace bully is a pervasive practice by malicious individuals who seek power, control, domination, and subjugation,” (p.35). It can destroy a person emotionally, personally, and financially. There no good that comes out of bullying a person. Is fame the answer? Colleagues sometimes feel intimidated by managers because of their title. Bullying causes the defender to question their selves. Before asking the questions, no, the person is not alone, they did not cause the problem, and reputation will not be ruined.